Time For Some Rest

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(y/n) choose to join team JNPR as their 5th teammate. The team opened the door to their dorm room and saw how spacious it looked even for the five of them. (y/n) ran in first to claim the comfiest looking bed. He jumped onto the bed and began to make himself comfortable

(y/n): it feels like I'm in heaven.

The rest of the team began to walk in and set their things down while (y/n) was face down in his pillow trying to take a nap. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door.

Courier: mail call.

(y/n): mail? We've only been here one day.

Courier: I know but this stuff was already here this morning.

Jaune: so what stuff is ours?

Courier: a few of letters and 3 packages.

(y/n): I'll get them.

(y/n) gets out of bed and grabs the letters and lifts the three boxes with his bringer arm. (y/n) sets the boxes down and looks at who the letters and box are addressed to.

(y/n): okay so this box and this letter is for Jaune. These ones for Pyrrha. And these two are for me. Hey Ren, you and Nora didn't get anything.

Ren: it's fine.

(y/n): are you sure?

Ren: yes it's fine.

(y/n): okay.

(y/n) took his things and sat on his bed and saw the letter came from fortuna. He immediately opened and read the letter.

Dear (y/n)
Hope you're having a good time at Beacon. We all wanted to give you something as a sort of gift. I gave you some special ammo for that gun of yours, Kyrie made you a new outfit fit for a huntsman in training, and Credo didn't know what to get you so he just got you new headphones. Anyway hope you're doing well and come visit us again sometime.

Nico, Kyrie, and Credo

(y/n) almost teared up but quickly stopped. He opened the box and took out a speed loader with some strange colored bullets and a new pair of head phones but what (y/n) really cared about was the clothes. He quickly grabbed the box and ran into the bathroom. A few minutes later the door opened and he was wearing the new outfit.

 A few minutes later the door opened and he was wearing the new outfit

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He loved it. The colors, the material, and especially the coat. The outfit reminded him of Dante and his father.

(y/n): so how do I look?

Pyrrha: you look great (y/n).

(y/n): thanks, though the only thing I don't like is the fact it has the symbols of the order on it.

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