The Voltic Black Knight

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In Ozpin's office, Ozpin was in his office talking to a Fortuna scientist.

Scientist: it's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Ozpin.

Ozpin: the pleasure is all mine Mr.Agnus.

Agnus: so why did you summon me?

Ozpin: I need you for your extensive research on Grimm and because I know about your experience in fusing Grimm arms into people.

Agnus: why would you need any of that Oz?

Ozpin: earlier today I asked an associate of mine to recover the sword of Vergil Sparda.

Agnus: you found the Yamato?!

Ozpin: yes. But we did run into one small problem.

He took out the katana and unsheathed it.

Ozpin: as you can see it's broken and the other half is nowhere to be found.

Agnus: do you have an idea on where it could be?

Ozpin: I believe it's with Vergil's son, (y/n).

Agnus: how do you know it's with Vergil's spawn?

Ozpin takes out a photo of the boy.

Ozpin: it's in his arm. Before his entrance exam, his arm was broken and in a sling. But somehow during his entrance exam he got this new arm.

Agnus: I see. But that doesn't prove the boy has the sword.

Ozpin: I did notice one thing about him when I did see him. He had a katana blade sticking out of the sling.

Agnus: so you believe that he took a piece and absorbed it during his exam changing his arm into that?

Ozpin: yes.

Agnus: so what do you want me to do?

Ozpin: first I want you to observe the boy to see if he's ready to hold the Yamato. Then you find a way to have him "repair" the sword.

Agnus: consider it done.

Ozpin: but if you try anything that puts him in harms way I'll personally finish what Vergil and Lucina started.

Agnus: you won't get any trouble from me.

Somewhere else (y/n) and his team were waiting in line for the tournament sign ups.

(y/n): damn I've seen midnight releases have shorter lines than this.

Nora: I'm starting to get bored.

Ren: calm down the both of you. The line is moving now and we're almost to the front.

Eventually they all make it to the front of the line.

Jaune: hello we would like to sign up.

Clerk: sorry. Only teams of four are allowed to participate.

(y/n): come-on there has to be some way?

Clerk: one of you needs to drop out in order for your team to participate.

Pyrrha: I'll...

(y/n): I'll drop out.

Pyrrha: but don't you want to participate?

(y/n): nah. If I did fight, I would probably win with one arm tied behind my back. Wouldn't really be fair for my opponents.

Jaune: well if that's what you want to do then...

(y/n) began to walk away.

Jaune: where are you going?

(y/n): I'm heading into town to get something to eat. I'm hungry as hell right now.

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