The Bringer's Awakening

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The next day, all the new students were lined up on the edge of a cliff overlooking a forest. Ozpin explains how this is their 'entrance exam'. The exam was simple find a relic and bring it to an altar and kill anything trying to kill you. The only catch is that the first person you meet becomes your partner for the rest of the year.

(y/n) upon hearing this hoped he could be with Ruby as both already made a good team. After the introduction the students were then thrust off the cliff and into the Forest. (y/n) seizing the opportunity, he grabbed his sword and began to air surf with it.

(y/n): RIDEN' HIGH!

Before he hits the ground (y/n) sheaths his sword and straightens up to land but his heels slip on the dirt and he falls on his back. He picks himself up from the ground and begins to survey his surroundings but all he sees is nothing but thick forest. So with nowhere to go (y/n) decides to wander through the woods hoping he finds someone he already knew. Some time passes and ozpin and goodwitch were observing the kids from a control room

Ozpin: Glynda, did you count the amount of students we had.

Glynda: no i didn't, why do you ask?

Ozpin: it appears we have an odd number.

Glynda: how do you know there is an odd number anyway?

Ozpin: simple, (y/n) is the only one not paired. That and he's been wandering around for the last half hour but luckily no else found the ruins yet so he's not completely behind.

Glynda: he can get paired in a group of three then. It wouldn't be the first time it has happened in this school.

Back in the forest (y/n) was still walking around till he found a clearing. He breathed a sigh of relief knowing he's out of there but then suddenly he hears a loud roar. (y/n) turns around and sees a Beowolf charging at him.

(y/n) quickly rolled out the way and drew his revolver firing a couple shots into. The wolf roared at him again before leaping at him. (y/n) braced to get hit when suddenly it was killed with a spear going through it. He turns to see Pyrrha and a kid in knights armor.

(y/n): nice armor Blondie.

Blondie: thanks I guess?

Pyrrha: (y/n) look out!

(y/n) quickly turns and sees another Beowolf about to strike. He dodges out the and fires his revolver again but runs out of ammo. To put on a little show he reloads with a little flair

After his reload the Beowolf charges and tries to slash at him. Out of a reflex (y/n) guarded using his broken arm causeing a blinding light. When the light vanished he felt his arm and it felt normal as if it was never broken. He quickly threw the Beowulf off his arm and took a quick glance at his arm

 He quickly threw the Beowulf off his arm and took a quick glance at his arm

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