Sparda's Forge

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A/n: at this point (y/n) has the haircut from DMC 5

(y/n) was alone in the dorm and was listening to his music. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He took off his headphones and opened the door.

(y/n): hey Ruby.

Ruby: I want a sword.

(y/n): you're joking.

Ruby: I'm not.

(y/n): whatever happened to miss "swords are for suckers"?

Ruby: I want to see what all the fuss is about swords.

(y/n): it's about Dante isn't it?

Ruby: stop saying that!

(y/n): whatever. Let me get dressed and we'll head to a weapon store.

Ruby: I want to forge a sword.

(y/n): you want to forge a sword?

Ruby: yes. Do you know a blacksmith?

(y/n): I know one. Follow me.

She walked inside and he took out a large box from under his bed. He took the box towards the table and sat it down.

Ruby: what's inside?

(y/n): it's a box of stuff the Trish and Lady sent me. It's filled with Sparda's old journals that he made over the years.

He opened it and began to take books out.

(y/n): Sparda kept journals ever since he was a young man. He wrote down almost everything he did.

Ruby: what does this...

(y/n): I'm getting there.

He shows her a conspiracy board.

(y/n): so in one of his journals, Sparda reminisces on the day he forged his blades. In that he said that a blacksmith allowed him to use his forge to make the sword. Where was this blacksmith you might ask? Well it's in the city of Dis. Where's Dis? Well it doesn't exist. At least not anymore. It existed before the great war.

Ruby: great. One question, what's that one for?

She pointed to a map that had plot points connected by string in the shape of a pentagram.

(y/n): ignore that one, that's something else. That's the path of the greasy stranglers. Back on track here, I went on a journey to find this city. I grabbed a map and went through archives of old maps. I went as far back as the archive would go. Eventually I found something.

Ruby: what was it?

He took out a map and laid it on a table.

(y/n): this is a map that existed during the time period that Sparda claimed to have forged his blades. So I used this and cross referenced it with a modern map and now I have the location of the forge Sparda used to make his swords.

Ruby: you think this forge is what made Sparda's weapons so powerful?

(y/n): probably.

Ruby: well then, let's get going!

(y/n): hold your horses Rose-Sparda, this is a really long journey. It will probably take a couple of days to even get there. So you need to pack some stuff if you want to get going.

Ruby: alright. Hey maybe we can invite Jaune and Pyrrha to come with us?

(y/n): why? Jaune probably has better things to do and Pyrrha wouldn't mind if I left for a couple of days.

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