You're A Philistine

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(y/n) was in class and was learning about qliphoths.

Oobleck: so does anyone here know what a qliphoth is?

Weiss enthusiastically raised her hand.

Weiss: a qliphoth is a large Grimm tree that feeds off blood in order to grow.

Oobleck: correct, qliphoths don't grow naturally but instead need to be summoned. In order for it to grow large it needs a huge supply of blood. So it sends out roots to kill and drain the blood of anyone. When it is fully grown it can bear a fruit that grants immense power to whoever eats it. Before you get any ideas no, humans can't eat it or else you will die. Only other Grimm can eat the fruit.

A student raised their hand.

Student: uhh can this thing be cut down?

Oobleck: yes but when the roots of the tree are cut down you will be trapped with no way to escape. If you wanted to escape you should know that a fallen qliphoth sticks you in a time bubble of sorts. Inside a fallen qliphoth 1 hour could be 1 year now.

Student: has a qliphoth ever appeared before?

Oobleck: well now that brings us to our next topic. Is anyone here familiar with the Red Grave incident? No one.

(y/n) raises his hand.

Oobleck: Mr Sparda would you mind telling the class what the Red Grave incident was?

(y/n): a Grimm named urizen summoned a qliphoth in Red grave city. And it would remain for a month till it was finally cut down.

Oobleck: yes. Do you know who cut it down?

(y/n): Dante, Vergil, and Lucina Sparda.

Oobleck: yes, your uncle and parents were heroes that night Mr Sparda. I hope you can carry their legacy one day.

The professor would continue his lesson. Weiss was sitting next to (y/n) and saw he was writing something.

Weiss: are you actually taking notes?

(y/n): no.

Weiss: then what are you doing then?

(y/n): I'm trying to figure out what other weapons I'm good with.

Weiss: why are you doing that?

(y/n): I want to diversify my arsenal. I can't be stuck using red queen and blue rose over and over. Don't get me wrong I love them but it's good to see what else you're good with.

She looks at the paper and sees rows of weapons crossed out.

Weiss: is there anything you will use?

(y/n): I'm thinking of getting a katana. I used one before getting red queen. So I was thinking of getting another one.

Weiss: well whatever makes you happy.

After school (y/n) was walking back to his dorm with Ruby and yang.

Ruby: so Weiss told me you were considering getting a new weapon.

(y/n): yeah.

Yang: what were you considering.

(y/n): do you remember that katana I had?

Ruby: yeah, didn't you make that out of an old motorcycle?

(y/n): yeah that one.

Yang: I remember that thing. It set the floor on fire when you accidentally dropped it.

(y/n): well I'm planning on going out to pick up a katana. If not that maybe something else.

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