By My Hand

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This is probably the longest chapter I have ever written yet. Hope you guys enjoy.

(y/n), Lady, and Trish were returning back to Ozpin's office after a mission.

Trish: see you later, (y/n).

(y/n): bye Trish, bye Lady.

He waved them goodbye and the two women entered Ozpin's office.

Ozpin: so what did you find?

Trish: nothing.

Ozpin: what about you two?

He looks towards Raven and Qrow.

Raven: we looked everywhere we could but found nothing.

Ozpin: Ironwood?

Ironwood: my troops looked all over Atlas but didn't find anything.

Ozpin: damnit!

Qrow: let's just face it. We're never going to find the Yamato.

Ozpin: no. It's out there and we need to find it before Salem gets her hands on it.

Raven: maybe there's a reason Vergil hid it in the first place?

Ozpin: what do you mean?

Raven: we all know Vergil never trusted you. maybe he hid it to keep it from people like you?

Lady: have we checked Fortuna?

Ozpin: you're right. Do we have anyone who knows the area?

Qrow: (y/n).

Ozpin: why him?

Qrow: he would spend the summer with Lucina's family down in Fortuna. He knows that island better than anyone here.

Ozpin looks at Trish and Lady.

Ozpin: how do you two feel about chaperoning a short field trip?


The next day, team JNPR were on a boat heading to Fortuna.

(y/n):🎶oh leave her Johnny leave her! For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow, so it's time for us to leave her!🎶

Pyrrha: I forgot you can sing.

(y/n): I'm so excited to show you guys Fortuna!

Lady: we're not here for a vacation. We're here to find and kill a Grimm that's hiding in the forest.

(y/n): c'mon Lady. Let us have a little fun while we're on the island.

Lady: fine. After we find and kill the Grimm.

(y/n): yay.

Just before the boat docked, (y/n) rolled down his right sleeve and put a glove on his hand.

Nora: what was that for?

(y/n): call it a safety procuration.

Ren: safety from what?

(y/n): don't worry about it.

When the boat docked, they all stepped off the boat .

(y/n): feels like I never left.

Trish: alright. Let's start heading into the forest. The sooner we kill that thing. The sooner we can explore the city.

(y/n): hold on. We need to head into the city. There are a few things we need to do before we head out.

Trish: like what?

(y/n): getting stuff. And I skipped breakfast and you don't want me to fight in an empty stomach would you?

Shall Never Surrender (Nero male reader X Pyrrha)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon