Meeting The Parents

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(y/n) and Pyrrha were in the library studying for a test when she suddenly got a call.

Pyrrha: it's my parents. Give me a moment.

She grabbed her scroll and answered it.

Pyrrha: hello mom. I'm doing fine. What? Tomorrow? What about Atreus? Okay, well I'll see you two tomorrow. Tell Dad I said hi.

She ended the call.

(y/n): what happened?

Pyrrha: my parents are coming tomorrow.

(y/n): why do you look scared?

Pyrrha: I've told them almost everything I've been doing here at Beacon.

(y/n): that's good you keep your parents informed.

Pyrrha: but I didn't tell them about you.

(y/n): I'm sorry what?

Pyrrha: I never told them I had a boyfriend. When I would mention you in my letters, I would call you my best friend.

(y/n): why? Why didn't you tell them you had a boyfriend?!

Pyrrha: my dad is very protective of me. I'm scared of what he would do if he found out about you.

(y/n): it's okay. Tomorrow you can introduce me.

Pyrrha: ok. But promise me that you won't say anything dumb.

(y/n): I'm going to say a lot of dumb things.

Pyrrha: this is serious!

(y/n): I'm joking. Don't worry I'll be a good example to your family.


The two returned to their dorm tired.

Jaune: how was your study...

He looked over and saw the two passed out on their beds.

10 years ago

Pyrrha was playing in the forest alone when she heard the sound of a Grimm sneaking through the forest. Scared, she began to run deeper into the woods. The sound went closer and closer to her until a Beowolf leaped out of the forest and slowly walked closer to her. Pyrrha fell back scared as the Grimm grew ever closer. Suddenly it was killed by her father with an axe.

Pyrrha's father: I finally found you. Your mother was very worried for you.

Pyrrha: sorry father.

Pyrrha's father: it's okay. Let's head home.

He takes her hand and the two began to walk home. Suddenly more Grimm surrounded the two. He father grabbed the twin blades on his back and began to attack the beasts. Pyrrha saw for the first time, what kind of warrior her father was. He slaughtered the beasts with his blades of chaos and ripped them apart with his bare hands.

10 years later.

Pyrrha woke up having remembered that moment from her childhood. She tried to go back to sleep but was too scared to sleep. Pyrrha got out of her bed and walked to (y/n)'s bed and shook him awake.

(y/n): what? Pyrrha? What do you want?

Pyrrha: can I sleep with you?

(y/n): sure. Just try not to wake me up.

He moved over and she got in his bed. (y/n) gave her a hug and closed his eyes.

Pyrrha: (y/n), did you fall asleep?

She didn't get a response.

Pyrrha: I guess you did. You know I've been dreaming of being here in your arms like this for a while. Ignoring the first day of school, it feels good knowing I finally got here.

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