XIX - Departure and the Long Way Home

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Riku: Grandfather.........what is this?

Kyoya: This is one of the few collaboration projects that the Celestial Families have had in mind for some years. The Matara proposed this five years ago. It was a team effort, and the plane was completed last month; I get to test it first.

Riku: Tell me, how much did you all spent to make this?

Kyoya: Hmm.........my estimates will be.....at least $50,000,000 to make this.

We all froze in place with the exception of Yuyuko-san, Satori-san and Eirin-san. Did I hear that right? They spent $50,000,000 on this?

Riku: How much did our family contributed to this?

Kyoya: I gave at least $5,000,000 on the Nagae family's behalf.

Good. It's just 5 million. if we only gave 5 million....then the other families must've gave more than they normally should.

Riku: What about you Yuyuko-san? How much did the Saigyouji spent?

Yuyuko: The same as your family Riku-kun. But Satori-chan gave 10 million for the project and Eirin gave 8 million.

Riku: What about the Hakurei? Giving their situation....

Eirin: The Hakurei were in charge of constructing this along with the kappas. Reimu was so happy to get a job that really pays her well.

Riku: It's no surprise she was all smiles when I saw her in Japan last January. How much do you believe the maintenance costs for this plane will be? Given that those kappas were also involved in the project, the cost may be a bit excessive.

Yuyuko: By our estimates, and talking it out with Reimu. The plane's yearly maintenance will cost at least 1.5 million a year.

I was expecting a higher amount, but one and a half million can be considered a steal. I just nodded as I began to yawn and grandfather noticed it.

Kyoya: Let's board the plane now.

3rd POV

Riku and the girls followed Kyoya as they boarded the plane. The moment they entered the plane, the girls were mesmerized by the plane's interior design.

Kyoya: Take Riku to one of the rooms. He needs his rest.

Staff: Understood Kyoya-sama.

One of the stewards took Riku to his room so he could get some rest. Some of them noticed Riku leaving early.

Saaya: Kyoya-san, Why is Riku-kun leaving early?

Kyoya: Riku needs his rest. I can tell that he is spent throughout the day. And he kinda deserves it.

Remilia: And whatever you do. Don't wake Riku up when he's sleeping.

By Remilia's warning, Riku's childhood friends shuddered in fear as they remember a memory that they want to forget.

Moca: Come now Remilia-san~ How bad could it be?~

Remilia stared at Moca with her blood crimson eyes glowing.

Remilia: Want to find out?

Moca shook her head as Remilia said that in a dark tone and just stepped back and hid behind Ran.

Kyoya: Anyway. Let me take you girls around the plane.

True to his word, Kyoya offered the band girls and the SDM girls a tour of the jet. The plane contains at least 60 bedrooms, each having its own shower room, three living rooms that can accommodate at least 20 people, two dining rooms, an entertainment and gaming room, three music rooms, three studios where they can practice their music, a tiny library, an infirmary, a small gym, a bar, and a spa. And this jet is being operated by four pilots and a staff of at least 100 people.

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