Chapter 33: Goblin Slayer

Start from the beginning

Though she didn't like to toot her own horn, but Leafa was one of the very fastest among the sylphs. She'd honed her reflexes over many years, and twelve months of experience in ALO had taught her that no one could get the jump on her in a one-on-one fight. But this shattered that preconception.

He rose and set his sights on the salamander leader, still hovering in the air. He rested his blade on his shoulder while his other hand stretched out towards him. With two fingers, he motioned him to come closer,  that it was his turn to fight.

Kagemune: No, thank you. I know I can't win. If you want my items, I'll leave them for you. My magic skill is nearly at nine hundred—I'd rather not suffer the penalty for dying.

Adkin: ...Get lost.

With a flash of fairy dust, he flew off. A brief rustle of branches sounded overhead, and he disappeared into the black night sky. Only Leafa, the young man in armor, and two red Remain Lights were left.

Within a minute, both flames were gone.

She turned to the boy, slightly nervous again.

Leafea: So...what should I do now? Should I thank you? Run away? Or draw my blade?

With her blade still in hand, she took a fighting pose, ready for whatever move he might pull. But instead, he sheathed his blade and turned towards her.

Adkin: ...Which way to the World Tree.

Surprised by his response, she lowered her guard after seeing he wasn't going to attack her, but she couldn't be too sure. Looking around and mapping out which direction is North, she points it out.

Leafa: It's that way, about 3 territories over, but you won't make it today-

She turned to look at him but he was gone, as if he was never there in the first place.. Sheathing her blade, her wings activated and she flew into the air. She looked around but there were no signs of somebody flying away. Looking down far ahead of her, she sees a blur running through the forest ground. It's so fast that she almost lost it just by hovering still. Flying in his direction, she saw him running at incredible speeds, even with all of his armor. But she knew this terrain and up ahead was a cliff.

Doing her best to fly ahead of him, she was able to land on the cliff slide and stretched out her arm.

Leafa: WAIT!

Coming to a halt, her fingertips barely touched his chest armor. He was taller than her and he saw over her the cliff he was about to run off of. Turning down to look at her, he took a step back.

Adkin: Thanks.

Finally taking a good look, he could see what all the fuzz was about. It looked like it was a million miles away but its massive stature could still be seen.

Leafa: Pretty weird that you're heading to the World Tree on foot when the main mechanic in this game is flying.

Adkin: ...I don't know how.

Now she was even further confused. Some with his level of speed and strength in combat must have spent countless hours in combat, but he doesn't know how to fly. This must be the strangest person she's ever met in this game.

Leafa: Do you even know how to fly with the controller?

Adkin: ...No.

Leafa: Well, just reach your left hand out and the controller will appear in your hand. With the joystick, you'll be able to control which direction you wanna go, and moving your hand up and down will determine how high you wanna go.

Following her directions, the controller appeared in his hand. At the same time, dark transparent wings appeared on his back. Carefully he raised the joystick, and just like that he was starting to hover above the ground. Slowly moving the joystick, he began moving side-to-side. The Sylph girl's wings appeared without the need for a controller and she hopped off the ledge, hovering over the dangerously steep cliff.

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