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Tim pov
Lucy and i went into work sepratly to avoid any rumors. This morning was something... i woke up with her in my arms but i got up before her  to avoid any awkward situations "Morning" she says with a sly smile "good morning" i laugh we walk to the meeting room to discuss todays busness.

Today im riding with lopez. "So you and lucy seem close" she starts i should've known she would do somthing like this "she was my boot obiously we are close" she laughs "i know you know thats not what i meant" i just roll my eye and sigh "lopez just ask what you want to ask and stop beating around the bush" "do you like chen?" Wow ok "no..." she stares at me for a few seconds "maybe i dont know" she burst out laughing "i so called it. For how long" "lopez i said i dont know its just, she just, its different with her then the rest of you. Maybe because she was my boot... or the other thing" i slightly whisper the last part. "Come on you have been a cop for long enough to know which one. You obiously lile her so whats stoping you for making a move" "whats stoping me? She was just kidnaped by her date she said she wasnt ready for another guy" "look that was terrible but that was some time a go and she knows you well she knows you wont harm her. And if you do i will kill you myself." I just shake my head to her reply "we are forgetting the fact that she doesnt like me back so..." "bull i knows she does" "how" "im a detective. But i will find out from her aswell. Shes riding with harper right" i just nod suspisiously as she calls harper "hey can you do me a favour  ...  great um can you find out if lucy like tim please ... ok thanks" she hangs up and looks at me "there i asked her to snoop around"

Lucy pov
"Im so tired lately" i yawn "i can tell something on your mind" i think for a sec tim. What? "No" "you sure your face says something diffrent" she tease "shut up " i slightly laugh "come on you know you can talk to me" i sigh "fine ok so i called tim to my place last night because i got nightmares and noone else would answer. So he came and we talked and we fell asleep in my bed and this morning i woke up in his arms but before i could you know wake up he got up and left to his place to get ready" "and..." "and i dont know the way it felt to be wraped in his arms did something" she smiles "what is that something if i may ask" "well ever since my abduction i have viewed him differently and this morning just confirmed it" "confirmed what?" I hesitate to say "that i maybe slighty might like him" "i knew it" "what how" "im not dumb, what are you going to do about it" "nothing im gonna wait till it goes away" "what no why would you do that what if he likes you back" "i doubt that" "but what if he does are you gonna reject him then" i think about it "i dont know i dont think so" she simply just nods

"Hey luc" "hi tim" "do you need me to come over again tonight?" Yes please "i dont know can i call you if i do" "yes anytime. How was your day with harper" "well it was eye opening you could say. How was yours with lopez?" "It was the same actually" strange we walked to our cars and parted ways " good night see you maybe later" i say "good night drive save"

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