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It is just before midnight and i just woke up due to a nightmare. Jackson isnt here tonight he is on a date with some guy from the fire departmant. Im so scared i have no idea what to do i just need to talk with some one now. I call nolan but he doent answer. I try lopez and harper also nothing lastly i try tim with little hope that he would answer. Just as i thought he wouldnt pick up he answers. Thank you. "Lucy whats wrong are you ok?" " um yeah i just had a nightmare and jackson isnt here but i needed someone to talk to and you were the only one to answer. Im sorry to bother you youre probably tired" "no dont be you are never a bother do you want me to come over and stay the night" i hesitate for a minute "i would really appreciate it" "ok ill be over in a bit" "thanks tim" "mmm" and the the call cuts. Now i wait. The time ticks by to slow i start to get second thoughts. Wait im a mess! My hair my breath. Damn it i try to fix my hair a bit and flush my mouth with some mouthwash. Just as i finish my door bell rings. "Hi thank you so much for all the trouble again im very sorry" i step aside so he could enter "no problem i coulnd sleep anyway so its no trouble" wow tim is so human at night he has sweats on and a long sleeve shirt. Wow he looks fine. Excuse me? "Would you like some tea or coffee" i turn on the kettle to make myself tea "um no thanks i will just have water"

We sat on the couch facing each other "so tell me about your nightmare" "umm well its just me reliving the whole thing accept you didnt get there in time and uhmm..." he took my hand in his and says "hey its ok i got there in time it was just a dream you dont have to feel panicked its over" he looked me in the eye and i swore i saw something flicker in them. Suddenly nolan's words from earlier played in my head. Maybe he just cares more then he shows? Or... i dont know this is confusing me. "Hey you ok you look very troubled" i snapped out of it "umm yes im fine i geuss im just tired. You must be to so i will go and fix my bed fir you real quick i'll be right back" i say franticly "hey no no no i will sleep on the couch i cant kick you out of your bed in your own house just grab me a blancket and i will be fine" "are you sure its much comfier in my bed" thats exactly why you should go sleep there i will be fine" "ok i'll go grab your stuff" i got him a warm blancket and one of my pillows so he is comfy "listen if you are uncomfortble during the night come wake me up or come sleep in my bed ok" "im sure that wont be nesesery but thank you" for some reason that upset me "good night tim thank you again" "its no problem good night luc"

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