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day of death
Lucy pov
My last day, how fun i think it is around 5 am when he burst in here searching for a shovel for who know what. Probably my grave. At this point im sending brain waves to the team, maybe they will catch on and come save me.  Two hours past and he was back  "hey lucy come, we are gonna go for a walk" "a walk to my death i presume" he just nods. I have tried negosiating and that did nothing so i just accepted my fate and walked with him

We have walked for an hour my legs are totally wrecked. "Here" "what?" The only thing here is a barrel and a hole. He suddenly pulls a gun out "you know what lucy, its the date of death, your death, get in," i stood still like my feet rooted in the ground. Im really dead now. "Listen you are going to die today whether i shoot you or not but if you pick the barrel, which you will, that is a slight chance for your friends to find you alive so..." i swallow hard and climbed in. I hear the lid get hammerd close and panick started to rise in me. I felt him shove the barrel in the hole and with a hard thud i hit the ground. Not even a minute later he shovels the ground over me completely sealing me in. "Bye bye lucy!" I hear him faintly scream. Now i start to panic completely i try to calm myself but its hard, very hard. I just think what tim, jackson, nolan,lopez and harper must feel now and how they will feel once they find me in a barrel underground. I start to cry and cry. My breath starts to get shallower each intake. I start to sing the song my mom used to sing to help me stay calm.

Tim pov
"Lopez do we have any location on him or her yet" i ask "no he has only been to rosaline's house but i found a house 2 miles out of town that belongs to his grandfather" "we will go there now, come on!" I ran to the shop riding with harper i probably drove three times the speed limit but  i dont care i need to find lucy, i could never live with myself if she died today. We are about half way there already "tim listen i know you are worried but we will get her" "and what if we are to late and she's already dead" "hey dont think like that, she is a fighter she wont give up so fast" "i know but... i just cant help it that scumbag clearly abused her and she was probably left without any food for long so i cant help but think negetive at the moment. She just graduated, she was so happy to finally be a cop..." "look i know you two were unusally close for a TO and a rookie but you have to seperate you personal feelings from your profesional feelings thats you you screw up so, after you can be emotional" i didnt answer i just steped harder on the accelerator

We got there as he was about to leave. We caught him just in time before he got away. That means he must have killed her already or is busy killing her "where the hell is she?!" I screamed in his face some other cops searxhed the house and found nothing "of officer she is somewhere under the surrface, you will never be able to find her" he laughs i also notice he is here with a different car the what we pit a tracker on

We put him in the back of our shop and went to search for her. There must have been over 50 cops and 15 k-9's searching for her. I saw some disturbed ground about 20 meters from the house and then the shine of her ring caught my eye she is defenitaly here. I stomp on the ground and heard the sound of metal "here! Get the shovels!" I scream and dropped to my knees and start to dig . Soom tge shovels came and dug the lid clean one of them forced open the lid. When i saw her my heart broke, she is lifeless. I pulled her out on the ground andayed her flat. I checked her paulse and felt it faintly. Quickly i started cpr and mouth to mouth after three sets of each she woke with a loud gasp and broke down i pulled her close to me and held her tight in my arme "she is ok guys she is ok" i said to the surrounding cops harper yeld for a ambulance to get close and ready "your save lucy dont worry i got you your save i promise" i whisper in her ear as we waited for the ambulance

I rode with her back to the hospital. I grabed her hand and said "dont worry your save its over" she looked me in my eyes. Its been so long since i have seen her pretty eyes, im getting tired of the universe who keeps taking her away from me "thank you tim, thank you" she said and cried again i leaned over and gave her a hug. After awhile we stoped at the hospital and she was took for an emergency check up

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