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Lucy pov
Finally after two weeks of rest im back at the job. Oh how i jave missed this. I walk through the doors and the people are shocked to see me."lucy!" Lopez yells as she sees me and comes running to my to hug me "im so happy you're back" i just chuckeld and hugged her tighter.

We went to the meeting room and a few officers welcomed me back "ok everyone settle down" he waits for us to settle in and quiet down. As i sat down tim came to sit beside me "welcome back boot" he smiled "very funny but im not a rookie anymore, but thank you" i smiled. For some reason that little interaction made me smile a bit more then before. The meeting went on like usual and we were dismissed. "You ridding with me?" "Ofcourse like old times" i say to tim. We load in the shop and went on our way. "Listen i know this might be a bit early but in your captivity... he dint do anyting... you know..." i was taken aback at the qeustion but still answerd "if you mean rape then no he just um..." "its ok you dont have to talk about it sorry for bring it up i was just concernd" "ah can timmy feel anothe emotion then anger?" I try and change the subject "obviously you were kidnapped for a week i was worried sick" oh. I knew they were all scared but hearing him say it makes me feel... something. We sat in silence for a moment when there speed a car passed us. Thank goodness. He turns on the sirens and the man in the convertable pulls over as he turns around to look at us i was shocked and duck fast. "What are you doing" "remember my undercover job" "how can i forget" "yeah well he visited me a few times if i go out now he for sure will see the resembelance" he is quiet for a bit "it ok stay put i will go" "be careful you are going to be alone there" "i know luc its fine" he smiles and went to the car

After the regular routine he came back "see im fine you can get ul now he is gone" i got up and heaved out a sigh. "You said he visited you. Why?" "Umm im not sure we met one time when doing a job and he was there and then the week after he just showed up and yeah. We became friends after a bit" he just nods.

"How was your first day back" nolan asked me "um yeah" we walked out to the garage to our cars "listen luc i know this is a bit out of the blue but you should've seen tim while you were gone. He was a whole different person" he says so calmly "well ofcourse any normal person would have been in that case" "no not like that he was so out of it, more than any of us. He had zero focus on anything that wasnt related with you or your case it was like working with a whole other tim" what im i suppose to say to all that. And why does he feel the need to tell me that. "Ok but why is this information needed in any way" he just smiles "i dont know i just thought i would tell you" i laugh and nod "ok thanks nolan good night and drive safely" "you too luc night!" He yells as he got in his car

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