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Me, nolan, jackson, harper and lopez have been waiting outside lucy's room for an hour while they do a check up. It is taking way to long she cant be in that bad state can she? I should have found her earlier. What if she is seriously hurt? Before i can continue the docter comes
"Well the good news is she will be fine nothing serious but with the beating she got and lack of food she is healing slower then what we would like. Her ribs are badly bruised but in 2 weeks she should be good to be on the job again, but until then she needs bedrest and someone to look after her" we all looked at each other i want to be the one to look after her she was my boot so it makes sense. "I'll do it doc" he nods his head and makes room for us to enter.

She looks... bad. "Hey" she says weakly. Harper and lopez went to hug her and nolan sets his flowers on the table "how are you feeling" i ask while sitting down next to her "i could be better" she says laughing. Damn i missed her. "thank you,for saving me" i just smile at her and grab her hand. I sqeeze it as a way of saying you welcome "hey luc im so happy your ok we are so sorry for letting you run of alone with a stranger we promise next time we will stay by your side the entire time" jackson rants and i devensivly butt in "no way in hell will there be a next time" i see lucy look at me with the prettiest smile in the corner of my eye. I dont know why but my stomach made weird flips, ever since we got her back from her kidnapping i have noticed a lot more of the smaller details of her. Like the way her eyes dont shine like they did before and her smile not reaching her eyes.

After some time the rest of them left to go home."when are you going? It must be boring sitting here" she ask "im not, and it is not" "why" "because lucy chen im here to keep you company sarge cleared me for the week so im staying till you go back home" "tim thats unnesecery you cant sleep in that chair all week your back wont survive" "are you suggesting i sleep in the bed with you?" I say jokingly "wh- what no but maybe its a good idee" pardon? She scoots over to the side "get in there is enough room for us both" she says with her charming smile. This isnt good i cant think things like this if im gonna climb in bed with her?! I climb in carfully trying not to hurt her.

This is bs. There is not enough room. Im sqeezed in like a potato. I put my arm over her head and as if on instinct she lifts her head for my arm to go under. Ok. She makes her self comfoetable on my arm "are you comfy?" No "yes im fine. Your fine right nothing hurting?" She chuckels "yes im fine" she looks up into my eyes "thank you for staying i dont know how i would've survived this week if im alone" again that damn smile. I dont trust myself enough to use my words to answer her so i just smile and nod "good night tim" "night luc" and she closes her eyes while i just shamelessly stare at her. Wow. Thats all i can say wow. How have i never noticed her beauty before, we have been riding together for monthes and now is the first time im seeing this. Maybe i have been to caught up teaching her i over looked it. I sweep a piece of her hair out of her face and got comfortable and closed my eyes.

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