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lucy pov

its been three months and I really miss my old life don't get me wrong I love the under cover job but im ready to go back. im busing cooking up some more drugs when suddenly the door burst open "hey we are gonna need those drugs sooner then we thought" Oh no I already told harper when they cant change the time now "ow soon are we talking cause I still need like a day to finish" "well work harder then because we need it by tonight at eleven so chop chop!" crap I need to tell harper I pull out my burner phone to call her. "hey change of planes the drop is tonight at eleven" I cut our conversation short end the call I need to finish this real fast.

it is drop time I don't know when the team will be here but I hope its very soon because im ready to end this. "ah you followed through primo" I have no clue who he is I just know there cousins they never told me any of there names or their real names. "thank our new chef" he refers to me the man finally notices me "my where did you pick up this fine piece of meat" "touch me and i'll kill you" I said with a straight face "whoa there mi amore im just joking" "mm" "cut the BS show me my money then you can have you package" as he went in his car to get the money sirens rip through the place and before we know it we are surrounded I pretend to be stressed because we are caught but on the inside om dancing with joy. "hands in the air stay where you are! we got you surrounded its over!" sargent grey yells over the speaker phone

tim pretends to arrest me and puts me in the back of his shop and we drove off. a little further he stops to let me out and take of the handcuffs I hop in front "I am so happy to be done cant wait to drink wine and take a long nap" "wow ok hello to you to I missed as well" "you missed me? ahh tim. sorry hello I missed you to"

its late in the the department and I am filling in paper work still 'hey boot" I just hum in response and continuing my papers "look im sorry for be so hard on you in the beginning of the mission I just I have seen I bunch of cops go rogue and loose them self in their character and starting to do drugs so I guess I was just scared you would break to but you clearly didn't and im glad you're ok im proud of you" "ah tim you know I would never do that and thank you I appreciate it coming from my TO" "I meant it more as a friend but whatever floats your boat" "hold up are you saying we are friends officer Bradford?" he just sighs as I chuckled "I definetly didn't miss this" I laughed and finished packing my things as we walked to the garage together "oh hush we both know you missed this the shop must have been so boring without me" he just laughs "right well you get the rest of the week off so see you next week boot" "see you next week captain" I playfully salute him and we both chuckle as we get in our cars. I finaly can get back home.

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