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George woke up, his eyes blinking multiple times to get adjusted to the sunlight that peaked in through the room, although it was still pretty dark from it being 6:00 in the morning. He was expecting to be awaken on Dream's chest. But it didn't feel like he did. He realized his head was on the soft pillow Dream was laying on. But then he felt an unfamiliar feeling on his chest.

Apparently the tables has changed. Dream's head was now huddled up against George's chest; his arms wrapping around him. George smiled, feeling Dream's soft curly dirty blonde locks against his chin. It was a bit too early to get ready for school. So George decided to just sleep for a little bit longer, and to just sleep longer with Dream since he didn't wanna leave this comfortable position. George closed his eyes, while pulling Dream closer as his chin was resting against his head. They slept for a little longer, maybe an hour and twenty minutes.

Dream was now the first one who woken up after George went back to sleep. Dream has already processed and realized the position he was in.

"I- oh" Dream thought as he didn't dare to shift or move a single muscle.

"Ermm, George?" Dream said, his voice croaky and low. "Georgee" Dream said once again to wake him up. "Hm?" George said, his eyes still closed, but barely awake. "We have to get ready for school" Dream said. "Mm" was all George let out since he didn't wanna answer in words from his tiredness and low energy. "What do you mean 'mm'?" Dream questioned. "One more minute." George said, as he shifted.

"Ugh, no, no one minute" Dream said. "UgH" George mocked Dream. "Okay, MOM" George that. "Oh my god.." Dream said as he removed his head fron George's chest, and stretched as he sat up. He looked down at George, his eyes still closed, his eyes then traveled to the marks on his neck. "Oh, right." Dream said to himself as he remembered what happened last night.

"What?" George said as he slightly opened his eyes. "Get up now, so we can cover your marks" Dream said. "Oh shit, right." George said as he sat up lazily and stretched as well while yawning. He then looked back at Dream, his hair messy, and his eyes squinted. "Is it bad?" George said as he looked at Dream.

"No, not really" It was bad.

"Mk, good." George said. "Let's just go brush our teeth we don't have time to shower since we woke up at 7:20." Dream said. "Then what time do you usually wake up?" George said. "Like 5:00 am" Dream said.

"Pftt- five!? Am!?" George said, with a raise in his voice. "Yes? Have a problem with it? Let's go brush our teeth now" Dream said.

They head out of Dream's room to the bathroom, grabbing their toothbrush.

"Dream! You said it wasn't even that bad!" George said as he looked in the mirror, his head turned and up close the mirror.

"It's really not!" It really is.

"I swear, if your sister's makeup doesn't cover this highly pigmented pink spot then I'm staying home." George said. "Yeah, YOUR home." Dream said as he rolled his eyes. "Yes, my hone. I live here now." George said. "Oh, is that so?" Dream said as he sat on the counter. "Yes, I'm your mother's favorite, she told me she doesn't like you" George said jokingly. "Oh I'm your mum's favorite!" Dream mocked George in a British accent.

George had an offended look on his face. Dream got off the counter as they then started brushing their teeth. After they got done brushing their teeth, Dream opened the drawer as he took out his sister's makeup bag. "Okay.. foundation, foundation, where is the foundation.." Dream said as he started searching in the bag, making a lot if noises of the plastic brushes and other products clashing together making noise.

"Here" Dream said as he took it out. "And I think they use this apply it." Dream said taking out a beauty blender. Dream didn't even know what he was doing, but he was just doing it.

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