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Dream sat down with his chair leaned again the closet behind him with a bookshelf filled with many books were next to it.

He looked at the english teacher's desk since it was close by to see if there is anything to steal while his english teacher Mrs. Granger was out of the classroom.

Dream didn't necessarily hate, or like, Mrs. Granger.

He knew she wanted everyone to be successful and read these dumb stupid books, but he hated how much she would call on him to read dumb passages for not listening. It was annoying.

Dream wasn't necessarily the guy who reads, or likes reading. The complete opposite. But George on the other hand loved reading, and writing, and doing art, he hated math, but was extremely good at it and was the best in their class.

God, who knows what else he is good at. He is basically good at everything, Dream would always try his best, and would be told to try his best.

Be he just couldn't he cant. He would always give up and be overwhelmed by stress. Dream just wish he was naturally good at everything, so everything would be easier. More smoother.

Less things to worry on, less time to spend on stupid things that different feel at all important to Dream.

Dream was just there because he had to, and is forced to by his parents. But all he went to school for was just to see his best friend Sapnap, and maybe find another cute girl after George ruined everything.

He didn't at all care about his success.

But seeing George do everything to easily, and effortlessly, like everything was easy, triggered Dream.

Doing so good at everything and making it perfect, making it extra, and bragging about it obnoxiously into Dream's face made Dream feel weak, dumb. But Dream never admitted that. His parents once grounded him for a single bad grade, and F in math.

Meanwhile his younger 14 year old sister Drista was way more smarter than his 18 year old self. He was already an adult, 18 years of being alive.

18 years leading up this moment, of being a 12th grader in Highschool, a senior.

Yet his 14 year old sister was better than him, maybe even more successful than him. Getting all the glory while he was just in his room not doing anything, just being away from everyone, and playing call of duty.

At one point he got so tired of George's obnoxious bragging in Dream's face and to his friends as he overhears everything and is just there struggling on a question. Trying to think how George got it right, how he answered to quickly under a couple minutes, or even a couple of seconds, that he just started bullying him.

Calling him a nerd, etc.

Just all of these crap, just letting his anger out.

Now, enough of this small backstory, lets get into the english class part.

Dream saw a pack of gum on her desk. Some kids walked in the classroom, but they weren't looking.

So Dream quickly took it and put it in his pocket.

---- Skipping this period to the last period

George's POV

Finally, it was 8th period, the last period. It felt like years until this very moment. The relief of knowing this is the last period until we can all go home and rest.

But there is one problem. I have this period with Sapnap, and Dream, but at least Karl is there too.

I rush out with the rest of the noisy crowd out of gym class after the bell rang. I went down the stairs and headed to science class. Science class was okay, it was a nice place to refresh in the cold air after having last period gym class.

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