"I'm sure it's a sea serpent or something. They're asleep in the day so it's just nighttime I would have to be cautious about." I explain.

"Either way, I don't want you going by yourself." She says.

"Y/n it's like a 2 day trip there and back, plus we'd have to defend ourselves from whatever's out there." I say.

"Yeah well I'd rather not have you die alone, and over me too." She scoffs.

I laugh quietly.

"Hunter do you really wanna do this? There's no other thing that may work?" She asks.

"It's been 2 days since I last saw you, and I've been researching ever since then." I say

"...so yeah seems like the only option, other than titan blood." I say.

She goes silent on the other end of the phone. I go silent too. I'd rather not drag her along when she probably has more important things to do.

"Okay, well I'll come with you." She says.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yes, because we don't know what's out there Hunter and we don't know how big it is and maybe you'll need help. I wanna help." She says.

"I've fought a serpent before." I scoff.

"I'm so impressed, but again we don't know what it is, so maybe it's not." She says.

"Also we agreed that we would go together to find things! Remember???" She says.

I sigh and rub my face.

"Fineee, how do you wanna go about this?" I smile a little.

"Well we need a boat, so let's find a boat." She says.

"The emperors coven has tons of boats we could use. I can grab one, I was already going to do that anyway." He says.

"Really? You guys have your own boats?? Geez." She says.

"Yeah, What kind of boat do you think would be best?" I ask.

"Probably a small one, like not like a super small one but one with sails and stuff enough for the 2 of us." She says.

"With a room to rest in throughout the night, we could take turns patrolling outside while the other sleeps?" She says.

"No, you'll rest, I'll patrol." I say.

"Not happening." She says.

"Yes it is." I say.

"No it's not." She says.

"Yes it I-"

"NOT HAPPENING!" She shouts through the crow.

"Fine... whatever." I sigh.

"When do you want this to happen?" She asks.

"I was thinking of going today actually, I've already reported to Belos I found a "possibility of Titan blood."" I says.

"Won't you get in trouble going back empty handed?" She asks.

"...it's fine, that doesn't matter." I close my eyes and say.

"...Hunter we really don't have to do this you know, maybe Steve and Viney just genuinely need to rewire it." She says.

"It's fine..! I promise!" I say.

"Shit... I did not think I'd call you and come to the conclusion of going on a wacky 4 day vacation." She laughs a little.

I smile a little.

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