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A/N: Platonic yandere this time. The reader is about 9 or 10 years old.

This was it. It was the end of the line but you'd go out fighting. The dagger you'd kept hidden so well was clutched in your hand as you stared at the cabin door. You used to be the child of a well respected family. You remembered your parents and your siblings fondly.

They were gone now. Slaughtered in front of your eyes by the same pirates who had taken you away. You were nothing more than a chore runner now. You cleaned, washed and folded. You barely got enough to eat somedays, always under the watchful eye of the pirate king.

The dagger had been one you'd swiped from a merchant ship he'd pillaged. You'd found the small pearl incrusted blade tucked in the pocket of some clothes that had been thrown at you to be cleaned. Now you were ready to take revenge for your family, for all the people you'd seen killed by his hand or under his orders.

What you didn't expect when you carefully opened the door was to find him cuddling with his first mate but that wouldn't stop you. You had your mission and you would complete what you set out to do, extra person there or no. 

The fire in his room softly crackled, it was warm and cozy, unlike where you slept in the bowels of the ship. It was freezing and damp and just made you despise him more. How come a monster like him got to live in comfort?! What had you ever done to deserve the treatment you received?

You slowly stalked up to the bed, looking down at his face and raising the dagger. You would give him a mercy he didn't deserve and try to make it quick. This was for your family!

In an instant, the dagger had flown across the room and out of your hands. You failed. The pirate king was awake, his own sword grabbed from his bedside and used to deflect your blow. He smirked at you as you cowered back, accepting your failure and subsequent death. The sound of metal on metal had also aroused the first mate, who was now watching the altercation.

"So, you think you had a chance of killing me?" The pirate king laughed, like it was the most hilarious thing on the planet. It wasn't his usual maniac laugh, you'd heard that plenty of times, but a genuine laugh. He really didn't believe you could have done it. You frowned, angry tears starting to well in your eyes. Not only had you failed but you were being laughed at.

"Look at them! You made them cry!" The first mate scolded. He climbed over the still laughing prate king and approached you. You backed away, but he was faster, grabbing your arm. His hands burned on your cold skin, although you'd started to heat up since entering the room.

"You're freezing! Oh, you poor thing... Julian stop laughing at them!" The pirate king, Julian you guessed his name was, finally stopped laughing. He wiped a couple of tears from his face and took a few deep breaths before finally composing himself.

"Sorry, sorry. It was just so adorable! I think I was around their age when I first tried to murder my older brother." He grinned at you and you shrunk into yourself.

"Here, lets get you by the fire. Why are you so cold, hm? I thought the bunks had adequate blankets. Now that I think about it, Julian why is there such a young child here anyways?" The first mate asked. In a flare of anger of being talked about like a baby you spoke up.

"I'm not a child! I'm old enough to help papa on the farm if he was still here!" 

"You're what, 9? 10 at the oldest? You're practically a baby. Also, he's an errand boy. He helps out the others with stuff." Julian said. The first mate huffed as he fetched a blanket from a wardrobe and draped it over your shoulders. It was heavy and warm and reminded you of your mother.

"You're having a child work as an errand boy?! Julian you better give me one good reason not to-!"

"Woah! Woah! Calm down there Finn! The boys tell me he's fairly compensated for all his work!" Julian insisted. You rolled your eyes.

"Where do you sleep, hm? I'll make sure your bed has some new blankets tomorrow." The first mate, Finn, asked. 

"I don't have a bed." You answered.

"Excuse me?!" This time it was Julian who gave you an incredulous look. You repeated yourself.

"Where do you sleep then?" Finn asked. You could hear the anger in his tone.

"Theres a small closet near the brig. That's my room." You said. Finn whirled around and glared at Julian. Julian was already halfway out the door, slamming it behind him.

It wasn't long before you could hear yelling from the crew area. You stared at the fire as it crackled. "When are you going to kill me?"

"Excuse me?" Finn asked. He had a mildly horrified look on his face.

"I tried to kill the captain. The king of the pirates. Isn't the punishment death?" You asked. Finn took a second to answer.

"Would you mind telling me why you tried to kill him?"

"His orders killed my family. They ransacked our house and stole our crops. My parents and my siblings all died that day." You glared at the fire. How dare it warm you when your family would never be able to feel warm again.

"I'm... I'm so sorry." Finn said. He pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you, gently rocking you back and forth. Tears sprang forth and soon you were sobbing, cursing the world that had robbed you of everything you'd loved. It didn't take long for the hysterical sobs to taper off as you cried yourself to sleep.

Finn didn't let go. Instead he stared at the fire, gently wiping your tears with a corner of the blanket you were wrapped in. Julian stormed back in 10 minutes after you'd fallen asleep.

"Those lousy no good scoundrels. I've made sure they know they're living on borrowed time." He promised Finn, staring down at your small body. Finn quietly whispered your conversation to him as he slowly moved you to their bed.

"They have been done a great injustice." Julian said. Felix cuddled you from one side, making sure you were warm enough, while Julian took the other side. "But I will do my best to rectify it."

"We both will." Finn sighed. "They aren't going to be leaving my sight for a bit. Just so I can make sure they're okay."

"Sleep tight Y/N. When you wake up in the morning you'll be treated like the finest of treasures." Kept safe, taken care of, and never let go of.

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