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The shallows were safe. The water went up to your calves, nothing could hide there. You never went past the shallows. No matter how many blue-green eyes watched you. No matter how many voices sang an enticing chorus, begging you to come closer. 

The shallows were safety. They were clean and bright. They were where food was washed and fish were harvested. You never listened to the whispers of safety and treasure. Never chased the golden glint that could've been something valuable, or could've just been scales.

It was only when the raiders came did you lack a choice. It was the deep, or destruction. It was the deep or being taken. It was the deep or death. You ran past the reeds, through the shallows, til the water sank into your clothes. When you couldn't run anymore you swam.

The middle of the lake seemed like the calm within the storm. While everything was burning and your village was being slaughtered, the lake was silent and calm. You almost felt safe for a second. 

Then a hand gripped your ankle, pulling you under as you thrashed. You saw blue-green eyes before a pair of lips were on yours. Suddenly, you could breathe, gasping in lungfuls of what should be water.

"Child of Earth, I am Oasis, child of Water." He greeted, pulling you deeper below the water. His skin was bioluminescent, glowing a mix of reds and purples.

"Where are you taking me?!" You asked, panicking as the surface disappeared farther and farther above you. You couldn't see the glow of the fire anymore.

"Water and Earth are powerful. We have known for a long time it would be you." He said. Beneath you, rapidly approaching, was a crowd of similar creatures. Each had some color of bioluminescence, and they happily escorted the two of you to a grand rock palace. The entryway was decorated with seashells and sea plants.

"The fabled one, my beautiful partner has finally arrived." A voice said. It was another one of these creatures. The voice had a hum to it that soothed you. His body glowed a soft yellow while his tail was covered in golden scales. It flickered in the light.

"We have been fated since the dawn of time. Water and Earth will finally meet again." He murmured, dismissing Oasis. "Y/N."

"You know my name?" You asked. The creature grinned.

"I know much more than that, but it will come in time. I am Archer, Ruler of Water. Together, we will do many great things." He grinned at you, showing off a row of razor sharp teeth. "So do not upset me. Because I will not postpone my plans for non-fatal or dangerous injuries. You will be mine, whether you want to or not, so be good for me. Okay?"

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