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It had been a week since you father had announced that to stop the impending war, he had married you off. One week since you locked yourself in your room and refused to open the door for any reason. One week without food or human interaction, minus when visitors begged you to open the door.

Your siblings called you selfish and villainous. They told you it was for the greater good and you should just accept it. They weren't the ones who were just married off without a thought. They still got to choose their suitors and have a chance of happiness.

Your mother cried and pleaded with you to eat. "You're going to die, Y/N! Just a bite! A piece of bread! Please!" You never opened the door. It wasn't because you weren't hungry but because that would mean giving in. 

Your father yelled and threatened you with the guards. "If you don't open that door right now, I'll have the guards break it down!" Those were empty threats. Your father always used the same few threats but never followed through. 

You were succeeding slowly. The maids were on your side, they whispered their allegiance through the door. The guards placed in front of your door felt for you, trying to encourage you in subtle ways.

You were winning, until you weren't.

Your door mysteriously unlocked in the middle of the night. The guards, no matter how much they supported you, were loyal to your father first. They escorted you through the halls right to your father. He wasn't alone.

Standing next to him was a man, crown perched neatly on his head. His silver eyes flashed in glee when he saw you being escorted in only to change to something unreadable. Next to him was a woman in armor with a sword at her hip, probably his personal guard.

"You finally gave up! Did you have to throw a tantrum like a child?! Are you proud of yourself?!" Your father yelled. You refused to look him in the eyes or speak to him. Realistically, you knew he was just masking his hurt with anger but you could be angry too. You were allowed to have your own feelings.

"Do not yell at them. They are allowed to be upset, even if I hope they'll find a way to accept this someday." The prince said. You felt dizzy and unsure on your feet. A week without eating hadn't done you any favors. You were leaning on one of the guards trying your best to stay conscious. 

The mysterious prince signaled to the woman beside him and she instantly approached you, lifting you into her arms gently. It was surprisingly comfortable, considering the armor covering her chest. Without the burden of supporting yourself your vision started to fade to black, spots of darkness dancing in front of your eyes.

"Zarina, we will be leaving now. Is the carriage ready?" The prince asked, his voice fading away as you passed out.


When you woke up a flask was being pressed to your lips. The liquid tasted bitter and you turned your head away.

"C'mon, drink up now, it's only a nutrient potion. It will stabilize you a bit more until we arrive and can get some real food into you." The prince said. You didn't move back, partially because you didn't want to. You still wanted your freedom back. But, partially because you were too exhausted to try. 

"Its alright darling. You still must be so sleepy. But don't worry, we already passed the teleportation check point, we'll be at the castle soon."

You desperately wanted to know what castle and where. But you were just so tired. All you could do was let out a small sleepy whine.

"Don't worry, lethargy is a side affect of sleeping spells. I had Zarina, my guard, cast one on you. It was safer than having you pass out. You'll be fine soon, just let your mind float away. I'll wake you when we get home."

Home? Was some mysterious castle really about to become your new home?

"Just so you know, I don't regret anything. I would've won any war if you were on the other side. So, don't try to run away. I'll just find you and bring you right back where you're safest, next to me."

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