"but i didn't" a sigh escapes my lips. "i was just at a resort, having fun with my friends"

"then lie. tell him you have breast cancer"

"why do you keep saying that?"

my heart is heavy as i make my way to the back office, where shane was poring over some paperwork.

he glances up as i enter. his usual welcoming smile is replaced by a stern expression, allowing me a warning of what's to come.

"faye, we need to talk"

"i know i missed a lot of shifts without any explanation, and i'm really sorry for that" i start, taking the advice from marcus to lie. "there were some personal issues i had to deal with"

shanes eyes narrow as he sighs. "listen, faye. i understand that life can throw curveballs, but we depend on our staff to be reliable. you can't just disappear without notice. i've had to scramble to cover your shifts"

"i know, i'm sorry. i won't let it happen again"

his tone remains stern. "i appreciate your work, but i can't keep someone who's unreliable on the team. i have to let you go"

there it was.

"i understand"

with that, i exit the office. marcus hands me a double shot espresso, the drink we had reserved specifically for when life sucks. i down it in one swig, almost retching at the taste.

— ★ —

kato fills my headphones as i enter the kitchen, discovering finn sitting on the floor with a jar of peanut butter in hand.

"i got fired" my expression is deadpan as i pull my headphones down to rest on my shoulder.

finns eyes widen while he considers his response. "oh... i'm sorry. are you okay? how are you feeling?"

"i don't know" i admit, biting my cheek and joining him on the cold tiles.

"well, judging by your choice of music" his
gaze shifts to my phone. "you don't seem okay"

he's right. i often rely on music to define my emotions, i'm not sure if that's a good habit. it's like i can't experience certain emotions unless i'm listening to something that conveys it, telling me what i'm supposed to feel.

"got me there" i force a smile, slumping my head down onto his comforting shoulder.

"sadie stayed over last night?"

my heart almost bursts through my chest with vivid images of last night. he must've seen her leave after i went to the cafe. i wonder if they spoke. she didn't tell him anything, right?

"yeah" is all i say, hoping he doesn't follow up with any questions.

instead, he just lays his head on top of mine.

"i can't tell you this is the best choice, but i'm gonna support you. all that matters is you being with someone who wants to show up as your whole self, don't get hurt"

a smile spreads across my face, glad not to be receiving judgment from someone who's opinion i value more than anything.

"thank you"

— ★ —

"i knew it, i'm sikowitz!"

sadie and i lay in bed, my head nestled against her chest. a laptop sits in front of us as we fight off boredom by taking buzzfeed quizzes.

"faye?" she glances down, taking in the worry placed all over my face.


her eyes flicker prior to her shutting the laptop, fixing her hands on me. her slightly reassuring fingers leisurely brush through my hair.

"you know you have nothing to worry about, right? can we try to put everything in the past?"

i let out a breath. "i just can't help it, sades"

"i swear on everything, i'll never hurt you"

her words somehow seem to ease me, feeding me this sense of hope. i feel safe in her touch, yet, there's always this one drop of doubt which needs to be stirred away.



★ authors note ,,

i'm rewatching cmbyn while writing this

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