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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (180)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (180)
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  The expressions on his face were simply colorful.

  They are a group of students from the same school. When the zombie virus broke out last year, they came to the ancient town together and happened to stay in a nearby hotel.

  After the outbreak, I escaped several times and escaped to this huge medicine store.

  This is not just an ordinary medicine store, it also sells health products and food.

  It's the kind where you can swipe your medical insurance card, and it's a super-large drugstore with the nature of a department store and supermarket.

  So there are quite a lot of supplies here!

  They are very lucky to be trapped here and have been hiding until now.

  It was not until half a month ago that the medicine store gradually ran out of food, and they finally encountered a crisis.

  Fortunately, at this time, the man wearing a peaked cap appeared in front of him.


  The explosion continues!

  Chapter 146 Good baby

  There are eight of them in total, four men and four women.

  There were exactly four couples, and the four girls were in the same dormitory.

  With this combination, their small team of eight has always been very stable.

  Although there are some conflicts of love and hatred between them, in the end of the world, everyone supports each other and is still a classmate. No matter how big the grudge is, nothing will happen.

  Until the man in the peaked hat appeared.

  "Li Jie, look at your wife, she ran away with someone!"

  The man named Li Jie stared at the two people over there with an angry expression, "Guo Xiaoxiao, come here!"

  The girl who just saw Han Qingxia was named Guo Xiaoxiao. She was walking with Qin Ke. When she heard his words, she looked at him with even more disgust. She continued to follow Qin Ke without saying a word, "Ignore him, Brother Qin, let's continue." explain."

  "Guo Xiaoxiao!" Li Jie became angry and strode forward, "Do you still think about it?"

  "What's wrong with me! You don't believe what I say, what's wrong with me talking to people who believe what I say!"

  "Don't think I don't know what you mean!" Li Jie looked at Qin Ke jealously.

  "Brother Qin brought us food. Without him, we would have starved to death!"

  "He also brought us so many zombies on the first floor!"

  Guo Xiaoxiao immediately rolled his eyes, "There are so many zombies out there. If you have the ability, go and kill them! If you don't have the ability, does it matter how many zombies there are!"

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