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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (103)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (103)
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  Xu Shaoyang, who was harvesting supplies in the field, heard the sound and came out.


  "Tang Jian! Why are you here!"

  "I'm here to pick you up!" Tang Jian told him excitedly, "We can do tasks together again!"

  Xu Shaoyang didn't know why. At this time, Han Qingxia came out and said, "Yangzi, pack up and follow them!"

  Half an hour later, their reorganization was over.

  Han Qingxia didn't bring his dog with him this time.

  All the dogs stay at home and look after the house.

  Because this trip is far away and there are many teams to follow, Han Qingxia may not be able to take care of the food and drink of the dogs. It would be too ostenatious to bring too many supplies in the car, so Xiaoxia is asked to take care of the dogs, who are all at home. Just look after the house.

  Moreover, this trip to Han Qingxia was still a convenience, which meant that she did not need to use the main force, she could just paddle around and grab some supplies when the time came, and she did not need to bring the dog with her !

  Even her car belongs to Lu Qiyan's family.

  Rub their cars, burn their oil, and thank her good neighbor Lu Qiyan.

  Of course, you still have to bring some food yourself.

  Han Qingxia put the cooking bags she had bought before, a box of instant noodles and some braised egg bread and other ready-to-eat items, into the trunk of Tang Jian's car, and left with him.

  "Sister, we are leaving tomorrow. The captain asked me to take you to the K1 base early. You will spend the night at our base."


  "Just in time to show you what our base looks like!" Tang Jian said proudly, "Although our base is not as small as yours and has all the internal organs, there are many people in our base and it is really lively! There are only two of you sometimes. Be lonely, people are better off living in groups."

  Han Qingxia smiled and said nothing.

  Until now, none of them knew that there were already nineteen people in Han Qingxia's base.

  "Okay, I'm going to see what your K1 base looks like and how lively it is."

  Tang Jian drove them towards the K1 base in his car.

  Chapter 82 Entering the K1 Base

  The base is the gathering place for the alliance of survivors. The survivors are trapped in various places surrounded by massive zombies. They hug each other to survive and form bases of various sizes.

  In Han Qingxia's memory in his previous life, there were twenty or thirty bases in the entire eastern region.

  Of course, many of them are small bases that cannot withstand any wind and rain. In the last ten years, they were gradually swallowed up and disappeared.

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