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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (45)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (45)
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  "Yeah! We're not afraid of her!"

  "You," Han Qingxia came out with a large bowl of rice, "who are you not afraid of?"

  The people who had just been having a heated discussion immediately looked at the sky and the earth when they saw Han Qingxia come out. They all shut their mouths honestly and looked at the sky and the earth, but no one dared to look at her.

  Han Qingxia glanced at these guys who knew how to talk and said, "Yangzi, come and eat."

  Xu Shaoyang stepped forward obediently after hearing the order.

  Seeing this, the other four people hurriedly tried to stop Xu Shaoyang and told him not to go, never go.

  But no one dared to say it in front of Han Qingxia.

  When they saw Xu Shaoyang walking up obediently, they all sighed.

  well! Their good comrades and comrades-in-arms, after all... sacrificed too much!

  Yoko, you have worked hard for everyone.

  At this time, a strong aroma of pork ribs wafted over.

  Han Qingxia opened her big basin, which was full of braised pork ribs!

  The braised pork ribs, which are first fried and then stewed, are golden red in color, have an attractive aroma, and are juicy and delicious. You can take a bite and fall right off the bone. The salty taste combined with the solid texture of the meat can make people enjoy ten bowls of rice.

  Above, Han Qingxia also fried five eggs and a full plate of fried vegetables. The fragrant fried eggs and green fresh vegetables are paired with the ribs. Just looking at it will make people hungry.

  Not to mention this group of veterans who haven't had a full meal in more than ten days!

  Wow, it tastes so good!

  Xu Shaoyang was startled when he saw the large basin of ribs in front of him and two full pots of fragrant rice in the electric cooker next to him.

  It's all touching.

  "Boss, there is no need to specially prepare such a good meal for me. I can just eat the daily food with you."

  He knows how tight supplies are right now. Let alone ribs, how many people can't even get a full meal.

  Han Qingxia prepared such a sumptuous meal for him, which looked like a reception banquet specially prepared for him.

  This is really not necessary. Even if you pay attention to him, a little stir-fry of meat and vegetables is enough.

  This, this is too grand!

  Han Qingxia took a rice cooker and sat under the grape vine, "This is what I eat every day."

  Xu Shaoyang: "!!!"

  The people behind him: "!!!"

  "From now on, you can eat whatever I eat. Follow your boss and I will definitely let you start at this standard every day." Han Qingxia said this very loudly.

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