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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (60)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (60)
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  She drove the oil tanker to the side of the base as a backup, unloaded all the express delivery, and opened the blind boxes again.

  One express truck, more than 500 express boxes.

  This car is a next-day delivery from a certain shop, and the quality of the items inside is surprisingly high.

  Han Qingxia opened a lot of express delivery and discovered some patterns.

  For example, some express trucks with large quantities are all disassembled into a bunch of useless bits and pieces, but the proportion of food inside is high, and most of them are relatively cheap food.

  Some expensive express delivery trucks will be more expensive when dismantled. For example, pre-apocalyptic brand computers, mobile phones, cosmetics, and food are also much better.

  In this express delivery truck, Han Qingxia found imported chocolates, ready-to-eat canned bird's nests, a whole smoked ham worth thousands or tens of thousands of yuan before the end of the world, numerous nut gift packages, and a lot of instant noodles and snacks, all of which were from famous brands. .

  Of course, there was also one-fifth of the expired short-term food, and she threw away all the bad ones.

  In addition, there are clothes and supplies. Most of the clothes are big brands. She threw all the men's clothes to Xu Shaoyang, and asked Xu Shaoyang to send the rest to her warehouse.

  To her surprise, among the pile of blind box express delivery, she took out an unedged Tang knife that was sold as a handicraft.

  Han Qingxia opened the knife case.

  With a "crack" sound, the cold light of the sword shone into her eyes.

  Han Qingxia held the Tang Dao in both hands and waved it in the air, the chilling wind of the knife leaping in the air.


  The Tang Dao has full attack power. It can be used with wide open range when fighting, and it is even more stable and accurate when cutting people.

  "What a knife!" Xu Shaoyang came out of the air-raid shelter after delivering the things and saw this murderous knife.

  Han Qingxia saw him and asked, "Can you sharpen a knife?"

  "You can try it!" Xu Shaoyang strode up to her and said seriously.

  "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

  Han Qingxia left the Tang sword to Xu Shaoyang for sharpening.

  The express delivery on her side was almost dismantled. Seeing that there was still some time tonight, Han Qingxia took Xu Shaoyang to reinforce his house.

  The steel plates and building materials she redeemed from the system strengthened the small house where Xu Shaoyang lived.

  A little extra room was added.

  The overall defense of her base began to improve.

  Han Qingxia was very satisfied. Her focus in the future would be to buy materials to build a base.

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