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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (48)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts from hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (48)
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  It's time for someone to do all this work for her.

  "Boss, where do you put these vegetables?"

  "follow me."

  Han Qingxia took Xu Shaoyang into the air-raid shelter and asked him to pile the vegetables at the door of the big iron gate for her to send in later.

  Rights and obligations must match.

  Xu Shaoyang hasn't been assigned an absolutely important task yet, so he doesn't deserve to have access to her warehouse.

  This is good for Xu Shaoyang and good for Han Qingxia.

  The emperor needs to take control bit by bit until he has complete control before he can gradually delegate power.

  Han Qingxia entered Xu Shaoyang's fingerprint information into the entrance and exit of the air-raid shelter door, and asked him to put all the dishes away at the warehouse door. She would handle the rest herself.

  Xu Shaoyang didn't have the slightest opinion, but only absolute obedience.

  After Han Qingxia finished handling these daily dishes, he heard sounds from outside.

  "I'm here to deliver food to the lord!"

  A soft voice sounded at the door, and Wang Yunduo came over with today's supplies as usual.

  It's just that Wang Yunduo saw a lot of unknown people here today.

  She stood timidly by the door.

  "You came?"

  "Lord Lord!"

  Chapter 37 The landowner's long-term worker

  Wang Yunduo has a natural affinity for Han Qingxia.

  As long as the people accepted in Han Qingxia's territory will treat Han Qingxia like this!

  Including Xu Shaoyang, since he agreed to be her subordinate, he has unconditional trust in Han Qingxia!

  He even puts on an eight-level filter to look at her. When his comrades said that Han Qingxia was not good, he actually couldn't understand them!

  Han Qingxia is a very kind person!

  "Lord, you asked me to cultivate the seeds for my father yesterday. I gave them to him. He said they could be cultivated in one week! Please wait patiently."

  "Okay, you probably haven't finished eating yet, right?"

  "Not yet! My father said that the lord doesn't need to give us supplies now. Our family can't fit them in. Can I exchange them with you after a while?"


  Han Qingxia nodded, turned around and planned to call the dog, but finally looked at the big men who were idle and said, "Come two of you and send me back!"

  Everyone: "..."

  Two of them escorted Wang Yunduo back to her home.

  After they left, Han Qingxia looked at the remaining people and said, "Don't be idle, come over and work for me."

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