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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (130)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (130)
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  "Come on, I won't tell your grandpa."

  Lu Qiyan looked into her shining eyes and said, "Then you really don't tell others."

  "I promise!" Han Qingxia stretched out four fingers and swore.

  Lu Qiyan lowered his head and began to count one by one, "I stole his military rank, pen, leather shoes, military uniform, and the cane with which I was beaten..."

  Han Qingxia: "..."

  This honest guy turned out to be so naughty when he was a kid.

  No wonder his grandfather lost his biscuits and immediately thought of stealing them.


  Have a good night's sleep.

  The next day, Han Qingxia got up early in the morning.

  Outside, Lu Qiyan had already picked up the person she wanted in the car, and Mr. Lu personally came to see her off.

  "Come and visit often when you have time!"

  "Okay!" Han Qingxia waved to him and got into the car.

  Lu Qiyan gave her a bag of crystal cores, one thousand and twenty-one, "Give me a hundred first. Do you have any in stock?"


  "Let Ah Jian bring it back."


  Han Qingxia took his crystal core and counted it on the spot.

  "I owe you 21."

  "OK." Han Qingxia didn't have any questions and left with the crystal core.

  Return to your base!

  When her car drove into the K1 base, she saw a familiar figure at the gate.

  A man in a gray shirt was in the queue waiting to get in at the end of quarantine.

  Han Qingxia: "???"

  Isn't that the divine man I saw yesterday?

  He is still in line!

  "Can you let us go first! My child seems a little uncomfortable."

  "Okay, you go first."

  The man in the gray shirt gave up his seat and moved to the end of the queue again. Soon, he was squeezed to the end again.

  "Sorry, let's go first!"

  "We also want to go in first."

  "You've given it up to so many people, and I'm not the only one left behind!"

  "Okay, okay."

  Han Qingxia saw in the rearview mirror that this guy was squeezed out again and again, but he still insisted on lining up and giving way.

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