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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (70)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (70)
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  Xu Shaoyang suddenly heard Han Qingxia's words.


  Without any hesitation, he swung a water column with all his strength towards the place where Han Qingxia said.



  The powerful water column directly penetrated the pillar, causing the earth to collapse and the ceiling to collapse. The earth-type mutated zombie just now was hit hard by these things.

  "Continue in the middle!" Han Qingxia said coldly.

  The high-pressure water column in Xu Shaoyang's hand rushed toward the center again.

  The water jet blasted away a pile of rubble and hit the zombie's brain.

  In Han Qingxia's mental realm, the khaki color completely disappeared, replaced by a very small but bright khaki crystal!

  The third-level crystal nucleus appears!

  "Okay." Han Qingxia opened his eyes.

  She looked at the dead zombie Ding Yi and climbed down directly from the third floor, grabbing the steel bars and cement blocks on the surrounding walls.

  She was so agile that she climbed down the wall like a nimble gecko.

  After going down, he went straight to Ding Yi's position and pried off his crystal core.

  Xu Shaoyang followed her footsteps and climbed down from the corridor without stairs. When he saw this, he couldn't help but admire his boss again.

  How did she do it, be able to identify the location of the zombies at once!

  And the boss of his family is really handsome and cool, his strikes are accurate and fast, and he never misses the mark.

  How could there be such a cool woman like her in the world!

  Doing tasks with her is simply not comfortable!

  Today is another day to worship Han Qingxia!

  His boss is really awesome!

  Chapter 55 A great harvest

  After killing this level three supernatural zombie, Han Qingxia and Xu Shaoyang worked together to eliminate all the other scattered zombies in the factory.

  Li Gang and others collected zombie crystal cores from the factory for them.

  Han Qingxia is not afraid of them taking it for themselves. The first reason is because they don't know its function and cannot think of taking it for themselves. The second and most important reason is that she has spiritual powers!

  She can sense the color of the crystal core!

  If these people had any secrets, she would know at a glance!

  "Lord, this is what you want!"

  Li Gang handed all the zombie crystal cores everyone collected to Han Qingxia.

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