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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (20)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (20)
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  Other people's families had long run out of ammunition and food. They saw Han Qingxia's behavior and began to imitate it one after another. The apocalypse has once again entered the second stage!

  Grab supplies!

  Soon, the stores in their community were robbed of supplies.

  In the process, a large number of residents died.

  Han Qingxia had been cautious from beginning to end, and even fought back against several groups of neighbors who came to ask for supplies. She protected the Han family until the rescue vehicle arrived.

  The third stage of the end times.

  There is rescue!

  Han Qingxia learned from the radio that the rescue vehicle was coming, and decisively took her whole family to the rescue point!

  At that time, the Han family was reluctant to go.

  They felt that with Han Qingxia around, it was quite safe to stay at home.

  Chapter 13 Continue to strengthen the base

  After all, the rescue convoy broadcast on the radio is not where you are, they are driving over to save you!

  But there is only one rescue path!

  They broadcast several relatively safe areas and asked residents to gather there. Rescue convoys would take them with them when they passed by!

  In this case, how dangerous it would be!

  Especially when everyone in the Han family discovered that the rescue point was quite far away from them, they were extremely resistant.

  What if something happens along the way and they get old or pregnant?

  Han Qingxia, on the other hand, persuaded them affectionately not to covet short-term comfort. Only when they went to the rescue point could they be truly safe. There must be food distributed by the state there. In the future, Han Ying's wife could also give birth to children. Mrs. Han was like this. The elderly also have a safe place to live.

  The most important thing is that Han Qingxia guesses that this wave of rescue will definitely not happen forever.

  Take advantage of this opportunity and hurry up, otherwise no one will want them if they want to go later!

  After a long discussion, everyone in the Han family decided to follow Han Qingxia's suggestion and leave with all the supplies.

  In fact, all Han Qingxia's predictions were correct.

  What they caught up with was the last and only wave of rescue!

  In the later period, urban rescue was directly abandoned!

  There are too many zombies and the place cannot contain them. All we can do is rescue a wave of people and then mark a safe area as a base!

  The base serves as a gathering place for humans to fight against zombies. This is the general trend in the later period!

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