"Leave and don't ever come back here and I mean it. The next time I see your face anywhere around this property, I won't hesitate to make sure you're a dead man. And by that, I mean even if I have to wrestle you to the ground and get on top of you and strangle the life out of you, I fucking will!" " he warned sternly, before turning around and firmly shutting the door behind him.

The bright morning rays filters through the mesh material curtains into the bedroom, where Seokjin laid on the bed with a cold towel draped over his forehead and his fingers intertwined with that of his caregiver.

Gently forcing his eyes open and slightly turning his head to the side with a low groan, he's not a bit surprised to find Jungkook sitting on a stool with his head barely resting on the edge of the bed and of course, their fingers intertwined together as if both were afraid to let go of one another.

Seokjin heaves a deep sigh of guilt at how uncomfortable and obviously exhausted the man looked. If anything, he was more than certain Jungkook had been by his side all night without daring to leave him even once. All these and even more sacrifices that the man has ever made for him, made Seokjin feel like an helpless burden that one could never be rid of.

The thought somehow weighs down on his heart, causing a few tear drops to run down the sides of his face as he whimpered very quietly to avoid waking up the man beside him. Although his efforts to be still and quiet did end up doing the exact opposite considering how Jungkook jolts awake from his sleep in an instant bearing the look of confusion in his eyes.

"Hey_" he whispers softly, leaning closer towards Seokjin's face. "You're awake, how do you feel? Are you okay?" He questions one after the other, not oblivious the wet patches on the boys pillow.

"Hmm hmm" Seokjin manages to hum as he nods, trying to avoid making eye contact with him.

Jungkook on the other hand was smarter than he thought, because the next words that came off his lips shocked Seokjin to no ends.

"Are you crying because of me?" Jungkook asks in concern.

With his eyes blown wide open as if his darkest secrets had just been aired out in the open, Seokjin shook his head as hard as he could. Because ain't no way in hell his caregiver now possessed the power to read his mind, No way! "What are you talking about? Why would I cry because of you?" He argued, as he wasn't about to be caught slipping.

"So you do admit you were crying?" Jungkook grins smugly, untangling their fingers just so he could get rid of the damp towel on the boys' forehead as well as check his temperature that seemed to have been pretty high throughout the entire night.

Seokjin shrugs nonchalantly, trying to come across as unfazed, "you're crazy, I have no idea what you're talking about"

"You can deny it all you want Sir Seokjin, but I want you to know that I want to be the last person on this earth that ever makes you cry. So whatever thoughts that you may have concerning me that bothers you so much should not even exist, and you know why? It's because I'm on your side and always will be. Don't you ever go thinking that you're a burden to me or that I regret ever taking on this job because I don't okay?"

Seokjin was quiet for a few seconds, probably minutes as he only stared up at the man as if he held all the stars in the galaxy in his eyes, that was until he eventually breaks into real tears. This time sobbing even harder like an injured kid until Jungkook hauls him into a sitting position and pulls him into a hug.

"I expected this" Jungkook says in a calm voice "it's alright, you can cry as much as you want okay? I'm right here" he added, stroking the boys hair as he felt his body shake violently with each sob.

"I'm sorry__" Seokjin's mutters against his shoulder.

"And why on earth are you sorry? What did you ever do?"

"I'm_i'm, s_sorry that you had to see him last night" Seokjin continues in his broken mumbles, "I'm sorry that I couldn't stand up for myself yet again and I'm sorry that I keep making you do everything for me like the coward I am"

If Jungkook could hold Seokjin in any way that was a lot more sincere and a lot more closer than the way he currently held him, then he would have done exactly that in a heartbeat just to reassure the boy that he didn't mind doing any and everything for him.

Exhaling to help pacify the hurt in his heart, Jungkook breaks off the hug just so he could carefully grab Seokjin by the face and pull him into a kiss.

He knew he wasn't supposed to do that, actually that ought to be last thing to do at that very moment, but he couldn't care less to say the least. So With his eyes closed and his fingers now gently grazing and wrapping around the boys pulsating neck, he deepens the kiss even more until he could feel the boy kissing him right back with not as much intensity as him, but definitely with as much sincerity in his heart. This action causes him to break into a smile as their lips tirelessly continued to work together in perfect sync.

Gently breaking off the kiss after a while, they both said absolutely nothing but gaze into eachother's eyes while panting for air. Not that words needed to be said in the moment, considering how audibly loud the insatiable desire for one another in their various hearts echoed through out the bedroom.

"So, what were you saying?" Jungkook eventually manages to ask, gently swiping his tongue over his lower lip which tasted like salt by the way.

Seokjin's lips fell open in readiness for a snarky response as usual, or so Jungkook thought. But he's soon swept off his feet when the boy grabs him by the shoulder instead, just so he could pull him into yet another warm kiss boldly initiated by him this time around.

THE DEVIL WORKS HARD (Kookjin)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum