It Could All Be So Simple

Start from the beginning

The click clacking of stilettos were finally heard and Richard eagerly picked his head up only to have his breath stolen for a moment.  Corrine donned a simple strapless, nude-pink midi dress with a kimono styled cardigan.  The dress hugged every curve of her fit dancer's body that she still kept up with. 

But what really took his breath away was her now bone straight tresses.  She barely used heat on her hair so he hardly got to see it like it was.  She parted it down the middle and let it fall to the middle of her back.

"You look beautiful, baby,"  Richard finally said as he found his breath and gave her a dimpled smile of approval.  He pulled her into him, hands resting on her hips.  "I don't think I even still want to go out anymore, let's just stay here." He began to nibble on her neck and inhaled her favorite perfume.

Corrine giggled, secretly satisfied that despite their bullshit, Richard still found her attractive.  "No definitely not.  If I put heat on my hair, we're going out."

"You should wear your hair straight more often.  I love it like this."  He chuckled.  Somehow those words made her feel uncomfortable, but the reason being was hard to explain.  Richard had always had some type of keen fascination with her hair--a black woman's hair--but one thing she never recalled was him giving her hair this much attention.  Unless it was the rare times, like this one, that she straightened it.

They were finally on better terms after weeks of giving each other the stiff shoulder, so she wasn't going to kill the moment by being overly sensitive.


They pulled up to the parking lot of the restaurant to be greeted by Connor O'Riley, Richard's best friend.  Once he saw the couple, he quickly put out his cigarette knowing how much Corrine detested smoking. 

He and Richard instantly did a brotherly hug and he and Corrine shared a friendly hug--at least it was friendly on Corrine's part.

"Are they all inside?" Richard asked.

Connor took his subtle, lingering gaze off of Corrine before it could be too much of a problem.  "Yeah, we've been waiting actually, what took you guys so long?  We had to get the party started without you."

Richard chuckled motioning to Corrine.  "We would've been here sooner, but I had to wait on Miss America."  Corrine blushed before playfully rolling her eyes at Richard.

Connor's gaze returned on Corrine, once again drinking her in.  "Women, right?  Anyways, we should head in, yeah?"  Connor allowed Richard and Corrine to go in before him.  As he followed, he couldn't help but be hypnotized by the natural, seductive sway of Corrine's hips.  He couldn't fight the urge to lip his suddenly dry lips.

They were greeted by the other off duty officers at the table.  "It's about time you showed that pretty little face of yours!"  A feminine voice spoke up.  She was a tall, slender red head with a beautiful set of blue eyes.  "Is this your wife?"

"Yeah, babe this is Kyle Lockhart.  Kyle, this beautiful woman is my wife, Corrine."  The women shook hands, but Corrine could tell that there was something off-putting about the woman's kindness.  It most likely had something to do with the flirtatious grin the woman kept giving Richard whenever she thought Corrine wasn't paying attention.

"This is my fiancé, Adrian." Kyle introduced a boyishly handsome man with classic blonde hair and blue eyes.  He gave a generous smile and shook the couple's hands since they were the only ones he hadn't been introduced to yet.

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