Chapter 15

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Things soon went back to normal for Jensen and Jared. Jensen visiting and taking Jared on walks, talking, and then thanksgiving rolled around. It was the Friday after thanksgiving and while most people were out shopping, tearing down the thanksgiving decor and putting up Christmas decorations, Jensen was on his was to see Jared. He arrived with some leftovers from the previous day, for him and Jared to share. His mom and the housekeepers put together a nice feast with a lot of leftovers and Jensen thought maybe Jared would like them. He arrived at the orphanage and headed to Jareds room. He walked inside and Jared was laying on the couch, Jensen smiled and set the left overs on the table. He moved to the couch, gently tapping Jareds arm and then squeezed his shoulder. Jared tensed for a moment and then smiled, knowing it was Jensen. He signed 'hi' and sat up to make room for Jensen to sit.

Once settled on the couch Jensen started to sign into Jareds hand. "I brought some food for us." Jared smiled and signed. 'I thought I smelled something good.' Jensen grinned and signed. "We made to much food yesterday, I thought I'd bring some." Jareds smile fell a bit but he quickly hid it and smiled. signing 'Thank you. I am kinda hungry, I haven't had lunch yet.' Jensen smiled and shifted off the couch, gently tapping Sams arm so he'd know to get up. They both moved to the small table, Jensen waited for Jared to sit before singing to him a few things he brought. "Turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and of course pie for dessert." Jared beamed. Signing a quick 'thank you' and then hesitated before signing again as Jensen sat across from him.

'This is the first holiday meal I've had for a while, so thank you.' Jensen froze, not sitting fully in his chair yet, he leaned over the table to sign in his hand. "Don't they made you and the other kids anything for holidays?" He waited a minute as Jared sat there biting his lip. Jared was more open with him about things now. At times he still refused to talk about things, his family, the other kids in the building, life before he was in the accident, but he was now getting better, more willing to talk about things happening at the orphanage. He signed to Jensen. 'Turkey sandwiches.' Jensen frowned at that. Jared looked like he wanted to tell him more. Jensen sat across from him, neither of them eating or moving for a moment and then Jared signed again.

"Most kids will go to friends houses, this place is pretty empty during the holidays so they don't make much." Jensens heart broke. while other kids were going to spend holidays with close friends families Jared was once again left behind. Now Jensen was kicking himself of not thinking to invite Jared over for the holiday. "I'm sorry. That sucks Jared, they should do more for you guys." Jared shrugged and smiled softly. 'I'm ok with this. I'm glad you brought this over.' It didn't help Jensen feel much better but at least it was something. 'Jessica will bring stuff over too. She's good at baking.' Jensen smiled. At least one person here cared for Jared. "That's great! We'll see who bakes better, her or my mom. I Gotta admit she makes the best pies." Jensen signed. Jared grinned. 'can't wait to find out.' Jared signed. He then picked up his fork, feeling around his plate before starting to eat.

Jensen watched him for a moment. This place was a shit hole. Jared deserved better. It seemed like all the other kids got special treatment over him and Jensen hated it. He then wondered what would happen to Jared this coming summer. He'd be eighteen. legally an adult. Would they just kick him out of the orphanage. He bit his lip and sighed, soon starting to eat. He didn't know why he felt so protective over Jared but he did. Maybe he could do something to change how things were, he just wasn't sure how.

They couldn't talk and eat. Jared made occasional comments as he ate. Signing how good the food was and how glad he was Jensen brought some over. After they had both had their fill they moved back to the couch. Jared partially laying/propped up against the arm of the couch and Jensen sitting on the other side. Jared let out a long breath and signed. 'That was so good! I think I ate to much.' He let out a soft chuckle and Jensen smiled. He gently pushed Jareds legs so he could scoot closer so he could sign easier. Jared let out a soft huff, gently kicking Jensen, not wanting to move. Jensen rolled his eyes. Stubborn kid. He then lifted Jareds legs and moved over. Sitting closer so the back of Jareds knees were resting over his lap. Jared tensed for a second but soon relaxed. Seemingly happy he didn't have to move. "Sasquatch." Jensen signed into his hand. Jared playfully swatted his chest. Making Jensen chuckle. 'This is your fault, I ate so much I don't want to move.' Jared signed. Jensen smiled. "You telling me they don't feed you here?" Jensen signed. Jared shook his head, even though Jensen couldn't see his eyes he swore the kid rolled them. 'They do, I'm just hungry a lot, I'm still growing you know.' Jared signed. "Yeah I do, better not get taller then me." Jensen signed and Jared smiled. 'No promises.'


I'm so sorry this took me so long to update!! I've been wanting to write for days now and finally sat down to do it. It didn't take me long either. I plan to write more tonight and throughout the next week. For those of you who have stuck around and patiently waited, thank you. It means a lot and you all deserve a better writer. For those of you who are new, Hi, I really hope you're enjoying this story.

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