Chapter 6

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As time went on Jensen continued to visit Jared. He had talked with Jared more. He never pushed for details on Jared's parents, or about the other kids at the orphanage. He had been helping Jared for around three months now, somewhere in that time frame, but had only really started talking to him within the last month. Jensen didn't really consider them friends, but he found himself liking, and looking forward to his time with Jared.

It was summetime now. June, very hot in Texas. Jensen has just drove over to help out Jared again today. He signed in like normal and headed right up to Jared's room. He walked in and glanced around the room. Frowning when Jared wasn't anywhere in sight.

'Maybe he's in the bathroom' Jensen thought to himself. But after heading toward the bathroom he saw the door was open and there was no Jared inside. He looked around the room again and frowned. Normally if the workers had to take Jared anywhere, which wasn't often but still happened, Jensen wouldn't have to come over. Jensen was getting a bit worried but also confused. He headed out of Jared's room and down to the front desk.

"Um, excuse me?" He said to the woman working there. "Yes, did you need something?" Jessica asked him. Jensen recognized her, she was in here a lot and knew she probably knew Jared. "Yeah, um, the kid I'm helping out, Jared. He's not in his room. Did he go somewhere?" Jensen asked her. She frowned and went through some papers and shook her head.

"No. He should be here. His doctors appointment is tomorrow. Did you check outside? He could be out back with the other kids?" She suggested. "I haven't. He normally doesn't go outside with them, but I can check. Thanks." Jensen said and headed to where the back door was that lead outside. He stood in the doorway. Watching as the other kids played.

It was hot out and most of the kids were in swimwear or just stripping down to lighter clothes and shorts. Most were having a water ballon fight, some kids splashing around in a little kiddie pool way to small for them. Jensen chuckled softly. Well at least they were staying cool.

He continued to scan the yard and there was still no sign of Jared. He was starting to get worried but knew he couldn't of left without being with someone. He went back inside to see if he could find someone who might know where he was.

He stopped two different people, when he asked about Jared they looked at him completely clueless until Jensen had to give a freaking description of him. Only after they recognized him both their responses were the same. 'Oh that blind kid? Probably in his room.' And left it at that.

Jensen was starting to get pissed off. How could Now one know where Jared was let alone not know who he was? He sighed and walked down the main hall when he saw Ellen. "Ellen!" Jensen called out and jogged over to her. She looked at Jensen and smiled slightly. She didn't fully like him yet, but he had seemed to make Jared a bit happier, so she was happy with that.

"Hello Jensen, what's wrong?" She asked him. "I can't find Jared anywhere. He's not in his room and now one else seems to know where the hell he is." Jensen said, not caring if his frustration showed. Ellen stood there thinking for a minute. "So he's not in his room. Did you check outside?" She asked. Jensen nodded. "Yeah. He's not there. Do you think he left with someone?" Else just shook her head. "No. I have an idea where he may be. Come on, follow me."

Ellen lead Jensen down the hall to the opposite side of the building. Jensen hadn't been over here before. She lead him into a room and he glanced around. It almost looked like a little gym. Well.. it wasn't a very good gym. A few mirrors, a few small weights, and a few older machines. One of them was a treadmill which someone was using. Jared. Jensen felt himself relax. "Thank you." He told Ellen.

Ellen sighed. "He's not supposed to be using the machines. Especially unsupervised. He could get hurt." She said and walked over towards him. Jensen followed her, watching Jared. He didn't have the machine on a fast speed. It was more of a fast walk Jared was doing, Not even jogging. Ellen went up to the machine. Patting where Jared was holding onto. Jensen saw Jared tense and then saw him sigh as he powered down the machine. Standing still as the Ellen shut off the machine.

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