Chapter 10

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After taking their time walking back to Jensens pick up truck it was already starting to get dark. A huge smile plastered on Jareds face as Jensen drove them. He was so happy that he could make the day special for Jared. About halfway through the drive Jared fell asleep. Jensen glanced at him as he drove. He could understand why he was so tired. Today had been a big day for him. After the long drive back Jensen parked the pick up in the parking lot. He got out and went over to Jareds side. He opened the door and shook him gently, trying not to startle him. Jared woke and went stiff for a moment before remembering where he was. Jensen smiled and signed in his hand. "We're back now." Jared and nodded and got out with Jensens help, he was still a bit groggy. Before they started to walk Jared gently tugged on Jensens arm, smiling softly as he signed. 'Thank you for today. I had a great Birthday. Best one in a long time.' Jensen couldn't help but smile. That was all he wanted. To give him a good birthday. He playfully ruffled Jareds hair, hearing Jared laugh softly. Jared swatted playfully at his arm and then grabbed it. Letting Jensen lead him inside.

Jensen didn't even glance at his phone on the drive back which was weird for him. He was usually glued to it, but not today. He didn't notice it was dead, or that he had a lot of missed calls and texts. He had no Idea how badly he had messed up. But was about to find out. Once they both walked through the front door and towards the desk, Jessica looked up at them and gasped. Her eyes going wide. "Ellen!" She yelled. "He came back." Jensen was confused, Jared had no idea since he couldn't hear or see. Jensen glanced over the corner and saw Ellen talking to what looked like a police man and his parents. "Jared!" She said, quickly going over towards them.

"You have a lot of explaining to do for yourself!" She yelled at Jensen. Jensen stopped in his tracks, Jared bumping into his side. "What did I..?" Jensen was cut off by his dads yelling. "Where the hell have you been?" He yelled out. "You were supposed to be back hours ago! Do you have any idea what time it is?" Jensen glanced around before his eyes landed on the clock on the wall it was almost eleven thirty, getting close to midnight. Oh shit. "I didn't... I didn't realize.." He got cut off again before he could finish. "Thats no excuse! You have your phone that you're always on, you know perfect well what you did." His mom told him. She was clearly angry and upset. Ellen grabbed Jared, pulling him away from Jensen. Jared tensed and tried to hold onto Jensens arm, only being yanked away harder. He pulled on Jensens arm, jerking it, but Ellen pulled him fast enough to make him let go.

"Hey! Easy on him! What the fuck is your problem?" Jensen yelled, stepping towards Ellen only to have the cop stepped forward. "Son you really don't want to do that." The cop said as he stepped between Jensen and Ellen. "She's hurting him!" Jensen said, trying to shove past him and get to Jared. "No! Stop. You're already in a hell of a lot of trouble" Jensens dad grabbed his arm pulling him back. "I'm hurting him? Who knows what you did to him while you had him out all day." Ellen said as another worker came up to her and got Jareds attention, signing in his hand. Jensen clenched his jaw. "You bitch! I didn't do anything! I did more for him then you.." Jensen was shoved back by his dad, the cop stepping up too. "I don't want to hear another word from you!" His dad yelled. "Son back off before you make this worse." The cop told him. "Shut it old man I don't need to do shit!" Jensen yelled, he tried to explain and no one would let him. "Jensen!" His mom yelled. "This is not how we raised you! Go out to the car now!"

Jensen glanced over to where Jared was. Watching as the working signed in his hand. Jared looked fidgety, He kept turning his head back towards where he got yanked away. He watched Jared sign his name to the worker. "Let me say bye to him first." Jensen said, more calm but his jaw was clenched. "You're crazy if you think I'm ever going to let you back into this building. Get the hell out and stay out!" Ellen yelled at him. Jensen glanced at her. He'd never be able to see Jared, or get a chance to work for his dads company. It was all hitting him now. He messed up. "No wait, please just let me.." "Get him out before I call the real cops and have them throw his ass in jail!" Ellen yelled glaring at the cop. The cop moved to grab Jensens arm. "Lets go." The cop told him. Jensen looked back at Jared. He was clearly upset and didn't like what he was being signed. He yanked his hand away from the girl and turned. Reaching over to where Jensen was last standing. Jensen shoved the cop trying to get over to Jared but his dad was standing between them. He gripped Jensens arm, dragging him towards the entrance with the cop. "Wait no! Jared!" Jensen yelled, he watched as Ellen pulled Jared back. Jensen groaned as he was pulled outside and to the car. His parents yelling at him the whole way home. How did it all go so wrong?

Back In his bedroom now, Jensen sat on his bed, the cop in his room with him while his parents were downstairs. "Son you know you could've ended up in a lot more trouble than you did tonight." The cop told him. Jensen huffed. "If that bitch would've shut her mouth and let me explain I wouldn't be in any trouble." Jensen stated. "Well you did mess up. And you are in trouble. And next time you shove me or call me 'old man' I'll have you out of commission." The cop informed him. Jensen sighed. He did feel bad about that. "I'm sorry Jim." He said. Jim was a long time friend of his fathers and knew things would've been bad if he wasn't there. "Don't be sorry, be smart. You know what would've happened if any other guy had answered that call? You would've been spending a few hours in the cell." Jim told him. "I know, I do, but I didn't do anything." Jensen said,

"Son you stayed out way over curfew and no one could get a hold of you. You had Jared with you and they sent out a freaking search party to the only places in town he was allowed. No one could find him." Jim told him. "They had no idea what you were out doing with him." Jensen balled up his fists."She's acting like I kidnapped and tortured him! I took him out to have fun! It's bullshit the way that place is run." Jensen almost growled. Jim sighed sitting next to him. "I won't argue with that. But Rules are rules, and if you're there you have to follow them." Jim told him. Jensen huffed. "Still bullshit." He mumbled and Jim chuckled. "Just try talking to your parents again when they cool off. And the next time I see you it better be at a barbecue." Jim warned him playfully. Jensen nodded but didn't smile as Jim got up to leave. He hoped his parents would listen to him, he was screwed if they didn't.


Please don't hurt me! I was finally able to get another chapter done! Sorry it's short, but I got around to writing again snd didn't want to wait to post!
Let me know what you think! Comments and feedback are always appreciated. ❤️

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