Chapter 13

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It had been a few days and now Jensen was heading to see Jared. He was excited to go to the doctors with him and see if the hearing aids worked. Jared had seemed unsure of it now, Jensen wanted to go for support. To help Jared any way he could. He arrived at the building and headed up to Jareds room. He stepped in and looked over to his couch then table, both which were empty. Odd. He thought Jared would be there waiting. He went to where the bed was and didn't see Jared there either. "What the fuck..." Jensen said softly. Where could Jared be? He headed back down to the front desk, glancing around the entire time. Maybe Jared was outside and he just missed him. "Excuse me." He said to the worker who glanced up at him. "Do you know where Jared is? I was a supposed to go with him to his appointment." Jensen told her. "Jared left already." A voice said behind him.

Jensen turned and saw Ellen standing there. "Left? What do you mean? I got here early. His appointment is at eleven and it's only ten thirty." Jensen said and checked his watch. "Oh, did he tell you eleven? He must've had the time wrong. His appointment started at ten. He's been there for a while now." Ellen said. That bitch. Jensen knew right then and there that she had done this on purpose. She had hated him when he first started, and even more so since the whole Birthday ordeal. It wasn't fair. He was pissed. "Did he get it wrong or did someone tell him the wrong time to begin with?" Jensen asked her. "What's important is that Jared got there on time. You can stick around though, He'll probably be back in an hour or so... again, sorry for the mix up." Ellen said, giving him a tight smile then turned to head out of the room.

Jensen huffed watching her leave. "Fucking bitch." He mumbled under his breath once she was gone. He would argue more but he was on thin ice as it was and promised his parents he would be on his best behavior. "You're Jensen right?" The worker asked from being the desk. Jensen glanced at her. "Uh, yeah." He said softly. "Jessica left this for you." She said handing him a piece of paper. Jensen looked at her confused as he took the paper. Jessica was another worker there. He liked her, she was always nice to Jared. He unfolded the paper and read it. 'Jensen, Jared was upset about the time mix up and wanted you to be here, but Ellen wouldn't let anyone call you. But if you hurry you can make it' Jensen slowly grinned. The address of the doctors office was left on the paper as well. "You better hurry." The worker told him and smiled. "Thank you." Jensen said and quickly ran out of the building to get back to his car. Ellen may not of liked him, but everyone else there seemed to have a soft spot for him. Or maybe it was just Jared. That didn't matter though, Jensen started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. He would get there.

After about twenty minutes of driving he found the building and parked the car. He ran inside, reading the labels on the wall for the different offices there, A bit more cautious now as he made his way through the building and to the room. He opened a door and found a waiting area. This seemed to be the place. He stepped inside and went up to the front desk. "Can I help you?" The man asked. "Uuuh, I hope so, I'm kinda late.." "I'm sorry if you missed your appointment we'll have to reschedule it," "No, no, I'm here with Someone. Jared. I was supposed to be with him." Jensen explained. "Full name?" The worker asked. "Jared Padalecki." He said. "And your name?" The worker asked. "Uuuh.. Jensen Ackles." He said slowly and the man nodded. "Jessica said you'd be here late. She's expecting you. Go through this door and turn right down the hall, it'll be the last room on the left." Jensen smiled. "Thank you, thank you so much." He said.

Jensen walked down the hall. Nervous all of a sudden, he wasn't sure why. He made it to the last room and took a deep breath. He knocked lightly on the door before slowly pushing it open. "Hello?" He said softly. He saw a few people in the room. Two people in white coats, the doctors he assumed, Jessica standing by a table, and Jared sitting on a table. They all turned to look at him, all but Jared. Jessica grinned brightly. "I knew you'd be here!" She said. "Jensen this is doctor Conner and his assistant Maddie. Guys, this is Jensen, he's been helping Jared out for months. He's who I've been telling you about." She said. "Nice of you to join us Jensen." Dr. Conner told him. Jensen nodded. "Happy to be here." He stated, glancing at Jared.
"We just put the hearing aids on him, we're about to turn them on and see if they work. The last two weren't successful." Dr. Conner said. Jensen nodded. "Third times the charm." He said, hopefully anyway. "I'll let him know you're here! He's gonna be so happy!" Jessica said gently grabbing Jareds hand. "Wait.. uh... we can tell him after they try the hearing aids." Jensen said. Jessica looked at him and slowly nodded. "Ok. we can wait." She said. Jared tugged on her hand, giving her a confused look. She smiled at him and then Jensen. Just squeezing his hand lightly, causing Jared to smile softly. "Ok, here we go." Dr. Conner said and stepped over to Jared. Lightly tapping his arm. Jared sat up straighter. The doctor smiled and gently moved Jareds hair, placing his hands on the hearing aids, turning them on, and taking a step back.

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