Chapter 2

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This sucked. Like, really sucked. Jensen had spent the rest of his birthday, a friday night, sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing. There was no tv in Jareds room, so he couldn't watch anything. He just played on his phone the whole time. Luckily his parents hadn't shut off his phone so that was one of the few things he got to keep. He kept glancing over at Jared for the next few hours. The kid never moved from his spot, not even to use the bathroom, or get something to eat. He just sat there reading that book. Jensen sighed heavily. It wasn't like Jared could hear him anyway. He was bored out of his mind with nothing to do. He suddenly wondered if Jared would even notice if he left the room. He shook his head after thinking. There was no way he could sneak out without being caught. Eventually Ellen came back into the room going over to Jared and told Jensen he could leave. All Jensen could think was, it was about time. One of the most important nights of his life and it had been spent by sitting on a couch doing nothing while some kid read a book. "Yeah, it was uh.. great." Jensen said, trying not to sound sarcastic. "I guess I'll be back later." He said getting up from the couch, getting ready to say bye to Jared but quickly remembered he couldn't hear. "Uh.. I guess tell him bye for me." Jensen said heading to the door. "You could do that if you want to." Ellen told him, signing something in Jareds hand. Jensen shook his head and continued to the door. "Nah, it's fine. I gotta get back home." He said not bothering to glance back as he left the room with a long sigh.

Jensen wasn't able to sneak out that night, and didn't get to go anywhere else for his birthday. He was furious at his parents. This job had better be worth it. Jensen thought bitterly. All this volunteering was going to suck. Over the next few days it was the same thing old thing. Jensen would go over to 'help' Jared and all he would do was sit at that table and read. Frankly it was driving Jensen fucking crazy. Why was he even here? What did Jared even need help with if he just sat in his chair and read all damn day. This was the fifth time Jensen had come here. Thank god he didn't have to come every day, although he would on some weekends which he wasn't looking forward to. He hated sitting here and doing nothing. He glanced over at Jared for probably the hundredth time that day. And surprise, surprise. He was still reading. But it looked like a different book. He could tell the cover was different but he couldn't tell what book it was, it was just covered in bumps. He glanced up seeing Jareds door open and Ellen walked in. Odd, It wasn't time for him to leave yet. Maybe he would be allowed to leave early. Wouldn't that be nice. She went over to Jared, giving Jensen a slight smile. Jensen knew she didn't like him much. But he didn't care. It's not like she was who he was supposed to be helping.

After a few minutes watching them sign back and forth, it took a while because after watching, he realized she would spell things into his hand, she turned and walked towards Jensen as Jared went back to his book. "So Jensen, have you gotten to know Jared at all?" She asked him. Jensen raised his eyebrows. "Uh, no?" He said slowly. "I know his name is Jared and he likes to read. That's it. I haven't talk.. well you know, communicated with him at all." Jensen told her. "Why not?" She asked. Jensen looked at her like she had asked the dumbest question ever. "Because it's weird." He said. "What do I ask him? There's not much to talk about." Ellen sighed. "Jensen. He's a person, just like you. He still can communicate, has opinions. Likes and dislikes. You should talk to him." Jensen glanced over at Jared and shook his head. Honestly he really didn't want to. He didn't care to try and get to know Jared better. As soon as his parents were happy with the time he had spent 'helping' he didn't plan on coming back here to sit on a couch and talk to some kid he was forced to help. "Nah, he seems fine. Don't want to interrupt his reading." He said. Ellen sighed she went back over to Jared and lightly tapped his shoulder. Then signed into his hand. Jensen watched as Jareds posture changed. He could see the boy tense and shake his head no quickly. Whatever she had said, he wasn't happy about. Ellen tried signing some more, but Jared pulled his hand away shaking his head and crossed his arms. Clearly he wasn't happy. Jensen huffed softly, watching Jared throw his small hissy fit.

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