Chapter 17

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The next day Jensen got up early to talk to his parents over breakfast about inviting Jared over for Christmas. It was a shock to both of them. Christmas Day wasn't a huge event in their house, it was more so on Christmas Eve, and it was all family. They didn't invite friends, and Christmas was kept for themselves, but they decided to hear Jensen out.

"It's just not fair, everyone else goes to friends houses on Christmas but they don't let Jared leave. They don't even make special meals for them! It's ridiculous! Jared has to spend the holidays alone! Please, let me invite him over. I can pick him up on Christmas Eve and he can sleep over, and then I'll take him back later on Christmas day." Jensen pleaded with them. His mom slowly nodded. "Sweetie I understand that you want him over, but did you ask him about it yet?" She asked him. Jensen shook his head. "No, I mean I really didn't think you guys would say no, but if you did I didn't want to get his hopes up." Jensen said. "Well I wouldn't mind having him over, but you should really check with him." Jensens dad told him. "Why?" Jensen asked confused. "He doesn't enjoy the holidays alone, I don't think he's gonna say no dad." Jensen told him. "Jensen I know you want to do the right thing, and if he agrees of course he''s more then welcome but... Do you think he'll be comfortable in a house filled with strangers?" She asked. Jensen took a moment to think. "Well.. I mean I don't think he.." Mary cut him off "If he were to come over it would be a new house, a strange place with people he doesn't know, he'd have to learn the house, and be comfortable enough to be around our family. Again I'm not saying no, we'd love to have him over and help give him a good Christmas, but just think about it, and talk to him about it." Jensen slowly nodded. He hadn't thought of it that way. He thought Jared would jump at the chance, and who knows, he could, but everything his mom was saying could also be true. Maybe he wouldn't be comfortable with it. "I'll talk to him tomorrow and let him know... also uh.. I should probably confess something now before it shows up at our doorstep.." He said slowly, pushing his eggs around his plate. "Before what shows up... Jensen..." His dad said warningly.

"Did you take one of the credit cards to order something?" Jeff asked. Jensen tensed a bit, biting his lip. "Ok, again you need to hear me out.." "No!! I won't! Jensen you're limited to what you can buy! Your cards and allowance have been taken away from you! You've been doing so well and now you blow it like this!" Jeff said getting up from the table. Jensen started to panic. "No! Dad please! You need to listen!" Jensen panicked as his dad pulled out his phone, probably to check the spending records. "It was really important dad! Mom please just.. It's a gift! It's not even for me!" Jensen said, just hoping they'd hear him out. "I know I should've asked but this is really important.." "You spent over five thousand dollars on this gift?!" Jeff yelled, eyes narrowed. Mary gasped as she stood up from the table. "Jensen! I can't believe this!" She said. "No!" Jensen said quickly. "No just please, please I promise, it's not.." "Oh it's not for you?" Jeff asked sarcastically. "Then who is it for huh? You know what? It doesn't matter because you're not getting it." Jeff said dialing a number and holding the phone up to his ear. "What do you mean?" Jensen asked, his voice filled with panic. "I'm canceling the order." Jeff told him.

"What?" Jensen said, eyes wide. He quickly walked across the room to his dad. "Dad stop! Don't! Please don't cancel it!" He said quickly. "You're in no position to be asking anything of me. You can forget about Christmas this year." Jeff told him. Normally Jensen would throw a fit in this case. His parents always got him nice things and he enjoyed the holiday with his family, but this was different. "Dad no! Please, don't cancel it, I don't care.." "Not just Christmas! Everything. We're back to square one! No going out, no driving my car, no leaving.." "I don't care!!" Jensen yelled cutting him off. "I don't care about Christmas! I don't care if you ground me! I don't care if you never let me drive the impala again! You can't send that back!" Jensen yelled, his voice close to breaking. The comment about the impala made both Jeff and Mary freeze, and go quiet. The car is what Jensen had been most upset about since being grounded. Hearing him give up driving it altogether changed the mood completely. After a moment Jeff hung up the phone and crossed his arms. "You have five minutes to explain."

"I know I should've asked you first, asked both of you but I really needed to get it and dad I promise I'm not lying, it's not for me." Jensen said, voice filled with emotion. "You can ground me and keep me home but please, please I'm begging you dad don't send it back." Jensen pleaded. "Jensen if it's not for you, then what did you get? And who did you get it for?" Mary asked. Jensen glanced at her then back at his dad. "You can check the package when it gets here, you can track it, you can even hold onto it until Christmas, just please please be careful with it, and don't lose it." Jensen said taking a deep breath. "It's for Jared."


Well hey there. Long time no talk! Sorry to leave you all hanging like this, but I wanted to update!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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