Chapter 14

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Jensen walked Jared out to the truck. Jared was quiet. Very quiet, not facing towards Jensen, signing, eager to get back. Just quiet. And sad. Jensen drove in silence. Once back at the orphanage he helped Jared out of the truck and guided him inside. He walked into the lobby and waved at Jessica as they headed up to Jareds room. Jensen made it to Jareds door before Jared stopped in his tracks. Jensen glanced at him confused. Jared stood there, biting his lip. He turned slowly to face Jensen before slowly signing to him. 'I'm going to rest for a while, maybe sleep. You don't have to stay.' Jensen frowned, signing into his hand. "it's ok, you can rest. I'll still hang out for a while." Jared shook his head, signing Jensen. 'No, you don't have to.' Jensen wasn't sure why Jared was being like this. He started to sign in Jareds hands but Jared pulled his hands away, signing. 'Jensen go home.'

Jensen stood there completely shocked. Jared hadn't ever told him to leave like this before. He wasn't sure why. He tried to sign in his hand again but Jared huffed, looking almost angry as he signed. 'Go away!' Jensen froze. He didn't understand where this was coming from. Jared had been so happy early having him there and now, he was being sent away. He sighed softly. "Ok Jay... I'll go." He mumbled to himself. He gently squeezed Jareds shoulder, keeping his hand there for a moment before he slowly backed away. He only took a few steps back, watching Jared. He waited a minute and watched Jared walk into his room, slowly closing the door behind him. He sighed softly. Turning to head back down to the lobby.

He went over to the front desk, Jessica smiling at him. "Hey!! I'm glad you were able to make it. Jared was so happy you were there." Jessica told him. "Yeah.. about that.." Jensen said slowly. "Everything was fine there but since we headed back.. something seems to be bothering him." Jensen told her. "He asked me to leave, well, more like told me too. He looked mad and upset." Jensen told her.Jessicas smile faded, glancing at the stairs. "He didn't say anything else?" She asked. Jensen shook his had. "No. Nothing." He said. Jessica sighed. "He's probably overwhelmed. He's been wanting the appointments to go well, and he was able to hear. But it was also taken away from him again in minutes. He was so happy and now.. he's lost it again." Jessica said. Jensen nodded slowly. "That makes sense." He said softly. "That's not fair to him, I feel bad." Jensen said. "Do you think you can help keep an eye on him till I come back? I'll be back in a few days." Jensen told her. Jessica nodded. "Of course. I'll go check on him in a little bit." She promised. "Thank you." Jensen said as he turned to leave. He was worried about Jared but told himself that Jared would be fine. He'd try not to worry. He'd try.

Over the course of the next two weeks, every time Jensen showed up to visit Jared he would be sent back home. Them telling him that Jared didn't want company or just wasn't feeling good. Finally, on a random Tuesday afternoon, Jensen walked to the front desk and saw Jessica. She glanced his way and smiled at him. "Hey. You can head up and see him." She told him. Jensen felt so much relief. "thank you. I've been trying for weeks, they just kept sending me home. Do you know what's going on?" He asked her. She smiled sadly at him. "Why don't you go ask Jared." She said. Jensen nodded and thanked her before he turned, quickly making his way up to Jareds room.

Jensen gently pushed the door open and stepped inside. Jared was sitting at his little table, reading one of his books. Jensen would never admit it outlud but he always found it so fascinated watching him read. He wondered how long it took Jared to be able to read brail. He walked over to him, gently tapping against Jareds book. Jared tensed for a moment then relaxed. Jensen smiled and gently squeezed Jareds shoulder. Jared smiled slightly realizing who it was. 'Hi' He signed. Jensen smiled shaking his head. gently grabbing Jareds hand to sign into it. "It's been a while. You ok?" Jared bit his lip, sighing and signing back. 'I'm fine' Jensen didn't buy it. Signing into his hand. "Are you sure? They wouldn't let me see you I thought something was wrong." Jared was still for a moment then signed. 'It's dumb. I'm fine. Everything is fine. Can we talk about something else?' Jensen almost agreed but he couldn't. "No." he signed into his hand. Jared huffed. 'You're so stubborn.' Jensen smiled. Jared waited for Jensen to sign back but instead Jensen gently knocked his hand away. He did it a few times until Jared got the message. Jensen wasn't going to talk if Jared didn't tell him what was bothering him.

'Really?' Jared signed huffing. He got up and moved to the other side of the room. sitting on the couch with his arms crossed. Jensen followed him. Sitting on the other side of the couch. He knew that Jared could tel he was there. They sat in silence. no communication for about ten minutes until Jared sat up a bit, almost unable to take it, or to hold back. He signed to Jensen quickly. 'It's just stupid. I knew going into this I would get upset either way and I did. I could hear again, and I Loved it. I miss it. Hearing. Hearing people, being able to communicate better, faster. Hearing your voice was nice and then it just stopped. It's not fair. None of this is fair. I hate not hearing. I hate being secluded. I felt normal again for five minutes and it was taken away again. I just wish there wasn't anything wrong with me so I could do more, just do anything that any other kid here does, it's not fair.' Jared ranted to Jensen. Jensens heart broke. He waited for Jared to stop. giving him a moment to breathe before reaching over to sign to him.

"Theres nothing wrong with you. But you are right. it's not fair, and I'm sorry you have to live this way and that people are really shitty to you. But there are people here who care for you. You're not alone Jared." Jensen signed. Jared nodded slowly. Even if Jared didn't believe him at least Jensen was able to tell him, that had to count foe something. 'Thank you. I'm sorry I kept making you go home. I just wasn't in the mood to talk. But I missed you. It's boring here without you.' Jensen smiled and signed. "So you're the bored that you want me here? I'm glad I'm good for something." Jared smiled and laughed softly. 'Who else am I gonna pick on?' Jensen laughed and signed. "Asshole! Maybe I'll just leave now." Jared laughed and grabbed his arm, shaking his head no. Jensen grinned. glad the mood had changed. "And now I'm being held prisoner?" Jared laughed softly and nodded. Jensen smiled. At least He could make Jared feel better about things. He couldn't do much but at least he was there. He was starting to realize over the course of the past few months just how much that meant to Jared.

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