Chapter 16

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Jensen signed with Jared for a while. It was pushing four o'clock now. He could tell Jared was getting tired. Turkey would do that to a person. It did for him the day before, He was out like a light early. He signed into Jareds hand. "You falling asleep on me?" Jared smiled softly signing. 'No, I'm just relaxing.' Jensen chuckled. "Looks like you need a nap." Jensen signed, Jared scrunched his nose. 'I don't want to nap. I'd rather talk to you. I'll sleep tonight.' Jensen smiled. He didn't think Jared would be awake much longer. "How about we both just nap for a bit?" Jensen signed. Jared smiled. 'Does someone need some more beauty sleep?' Jensen couldn't help but laugh softly. Playfully smacking Jareds hand before signing in it. "No, I don't." Jared smiled laughing softly. He was still laying back against the arm of the couch. Signing after a moment. 'Don't want to sleep.' Jensen smiled. Knowing damn well Jared was abut to pass out. "Ok." Jensen signed. It was another minute before Jared signed again. 'No sleeping.' Jensen smiled and watched as his body relaxed more against the couch. "Ok Jared," He signed, watching him. There was no response from Jared. No signing, or even movements. Just the sounds of soft snores coming from his mouth.

Jensen watched him for a moment. How peaceful he was. His mind going back to the conversation earlier. How Jared was alone all day yesterday. On a holiday that was supposed to be with his family and friends. Jensen had Been with his family. His parents and a few of his aunts and uncles. The thought of being alone during these times made Jensen sad. Things would be different from now on. He would make sure Jared wasn't alone again. He closed his eyes and relaxed back against the couch. Only planning on resting for a while. Deep in thought. But his thoughts soon turned into dreams as he fell asleep. Unintended, but it wouldn't hurt. Or would it?

Ellen walked up to Jareds room. It was time for him to go to bed and she wanted to check on him before the day was completely over. Walking into the room she stopped in her tracks at what she saw. Jared was asleep on the couch, but so was Jensen. The weren't cuddling, they weren't in any way super close. Only the fact that Jareds legs were over Jensens lap, and that Jensens one arm was over Jareds legs. It was inappropriate. In her eyes. Jared was still a minor and Jensen wasn't. He was here to help out and the two had gotten close. This was too close for her. Ever since Jensen had taken Jared on his birthday, she had wanted Jensen around less, but it seemed like lately he was coming around more. And she didn't like it.

Ellen didn't hesitate to walk over to the couch, shaking Jensens shoulder. Jensen woke with a start. Jerking but not enough to wake Jared. "Wha...? What's going..?" "What do you think you're doing?" Ellen asked cutting him off. Eyes narrowed and Jaw clenched. Jensen glanced at her. Still half asleep and confused. "What? What do you mean? I'm just visiting?" He said rubbing his hand over his face, trying to wake up. Ellen crossed her arms. "Jensen you were supposed to leave hours ago." She stated looking them both over in their position before looking back at Jensen. "It's nine thirty Jensen." Jensens eyes shot open at that. "Shit." He said feeling for his phone and realizing he left it on the table across the room. "Fuck I didn't know, I'm sorry." Jensen said. Not realizing the other reasons Ellen was mad for. He didn't think anything weird or inappropriate about this. They had both just fallen asleep. "Let me say bye to him." Jensen said sitting up a bit. Before Ellen could stop him Jensen started to shake Jareds shoulder.

Jared woke slowly with a groan, a confused look on his face. Jensen smiled watching him slowly wake. He gently squeezed Jareds arm and signed to him. "We fell asleep. It's getting late. You should get in bed." Jared laid there. Looking confused. He started to sign slowly. 'Late? What time?' Jensen signed back 'Nine thirty.' Jared sighed and nodded slightly. Stretching a bit. Jensen gently moved Jareds legs off of him, at the same time getting up from the couch, and gently helping Jared up. Jared was still half asleep and seemed confused. Grabbing Jensens arm to help keep him upright. Jensen chuckled to himself. "Easy there.." He mumbled to himself. Signing in Jareds free hand. "I need to get going. I have to head back home." Jared nodded, letting go of Jensen but then grabbed onto his arm again. Jensen looked at him. Jared still seemed a bit confused and half asleep. ""Jensen you can go, I can take him to.." "I got him." Jensen said softly.

Jensen didn't think anything of it. He gently tugged on Jareds arm, guiding him to move. Jared held onto Jensens arm as he walked with him. Slowly across the room until they reached the bed. Jensen gently moved Jared so his leg would knock against the mattress. Jared let go of Jensens arm. Feeling along the mattress and then the small bedside table. Now aware of his surroundings and where he was at, Jared shifted to sit on his bed. Signing 'thank you' to Jensen. Jensen squeezed his shoulder gently. Jared smiled softly and shifted to lay on the bed. Jensen sat on the edge of the bed for a moment. Squeezing Jareds Arms, signing in his hand. "Good night Jared." Jared smiled lazily. Already falling back asleep. 'Good night Jensen.' Jensen smiled and gave his arm another squeeze before getting off go the bed.

Ellen watched the entire time. Jaw clenched. She didn't like what she saw and even though she thought it was inappropriate, she didn't think others would see it that way. Jensen moved to the table to get his phone. "I'll see you later Ellen. sorry about that." Jensen said and headed out without another word. Calling his dad as he left Jareds room. He had a few texts and missed calls. He didn't think he'd get in trouble by his parents but couldn't blame them for checking on him. He had a lot to talk to them about for next month, but it could wait till the morning. For now he needed to go home and get some more sleep.

Hope you all enjoy this! I feel like this was a long time coming but... things are finally starting to move along in the way I envisioned years ago. I'm glad this story is progressing and coming together!

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