Chapter 8

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Over the next few weeks Jensen continued to go over and help Jared out. He asked about the hearing aids which were taking longer to make then Jared originally thought they would. Jensen still hoped they would work for him. All the while trying to figure out something he could do for Jareds Birthday. He would take walks in the park with Jared which he really like. The park wasn't that big though. He decided one day to ask Ellen if he could take Jared to another park across town. It was bigger and it had a pond there. Ellen didn't like that idea at all.

"I'm sorry Jensen but no. I can't allow you to take him that far." She told him. "Well why not?" Jensen asked. "It's not that much further and it's bigger. There's more room for us to walk. Jared said the path at this park is to small." Jensen knew Jared used to be very active. His mobility was limited now. Jensen even watched Jared on the treadmill once, but he was only allowed to go a certain speed. Only enough to maybe consider it a slow jog.

"We have rules. And even though you are helping him out, you're volunteering. You don't work here. If something were to happen to Jared you would be the one in trouble for it." She told him. Jensen frowned. "Ok yeah, I get that but nothing is going to happen. We're just going to.." "Jensen. I said no." Ellen said and sighed. "Look. It's really nice what you're trying to do for him, but rules are rules and he can't go far without us." Jensen didn't like that at all. "What about the other kids?" Jensen couldn't help but ask. "They'll leave unsupervised . Spend nights at friends houses, and Jared can't even go across town for an hour?" Ellen then glared at Jensen.

"I would suggest you learn how to take no for an answer. He's not going and that's final." Jensen watched as Ellen waked away. His jaw and fists clenched. This wasn't fair to Jared at all. Jensen slowly started to relax. A small grin on his face. He was never one to follow the rules anyway. She wasn't going to stop him. Over the course of the past weeks Jensens parents slowly started to allow Jensen some freedom back. He could hang out with his friends and go out more, but still had to help out with Jared. Jensen didn't mind one bit. He was enjoying the freedom.

Jareds Birthday finally arrived and Jensen had the perfect plan for how the day would go. He started by telling Jared he wouldn't be coming over on the nineteenth, which was Jareds Birthday. He felt bad seeing that it made Jared sad. Even though he covered it up quick and didn't even remind Jensen that it was his Birthday. But he would make it up to him. He was heading up to Jared room it was about one o'clock, Walking in and slowly looking around. He saw Jared sitting on the couch, and Jensen would deny it if anyone asked, but his heart broke a bit as he looked at Jared.

He was sitting on the couch. A braille book sitting in his lap but he wasn't reading it. It just sat there, open as Jared sat o the couch. He was so still Jensen thought he might be sleeping. He took a step closer and lightly tapped Jareds arm. Jared flinched a bit but then sat up a bit straighter, holding out his hand. Jensen smiled and instead of signing him he gently squeezed his arm. Jareds face lit up and he quickly moved to stand up, his book falling onto the floor. 'Jensen?' He signed quickly. Jensen laughed softly and signed back to him. "The one and only." Jared grinned, and suddenly Jensen felt a lot better about this surprise. 'You said you weren't coming.' Jared signed and Jensen replied. "And miss your birthday? No way that was happening." Jared smiled. Jensen knew he didn't like making a big deal out of his birthday, but he deserved something nice on a day that was supposed to be about him.

"Get your shoes on, we're heading out." Jensen signed to him. Jared didn't question him, just nodded and went to get ready. Jensen lead him downstairs and signed them out as he took Jared to the pick up truck. Jared signed to him, asking where they were going. Jensen just grinned and said it was a surprise, helping Jard into the truck then getting in himself and started it up. He drove them for a while, and stopped near the park they always went to. He got out of the car, guiding Jared out and walking him across the street. He watched Jareds face, seeing how confused he looked. Jensen chuckled and guided him into the ice cream shop, the one he went to the first day he took Jared walking. Once inside he stopped Jared and signed to him.

"What ice cream do you want?" Jared slowly smiled and signed 'Vanilla.' Jensen nodded and moved Jared over to an empty table, guiding him to a chair and waiting for him to sit before signing to him. "I'm gonna go order it. It's only on the other side of the room. I'll just be a minute." He didn't want Jared to worry about being alone like last time. Jared nodded, not looking tense at all. Jensen smiled and squeezed his shoulder then went over to order their ice cream. He glanced at Jared a lot. Keeping his eye on him, making sure no one else would bother him. Jared seemed fine though, a lot happier than the last time he had been left alone. Once the ice cream was ready Jensen took it back to the table. Lightly squeezing his arm and slowly pushing the cups towards Jareds hand. Jared smiled and signed a quick thank you. Then took his cup and started to eat. Jensen sat across from him and smiled. The morning had gone well, but this wasn't all he had planned. The surprise was yet to come.


Another short chapter. But I hope you all like it.

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