23. Geto Suguru x Reader

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The soft glow of twilight painted the sky as Y/N sat on the rooftop, lost in thought. The winds of change were blowing through Tokyo, and life had become a whirlwind of curses, jujutsu, and uncertainty.

"Mind if I join you?" a familiar voice called out.

Y/N turned to see Suguru Geto, his usually intense gaze softened by the evening light. She nodded, gesturing for him to sit beside her.

He settled down, both of them looking out at the sprawling city below. For a moment, neither spoke. The silence between them was comfortable, filled with unspoken understanding.

"You seem deep in thought," Geto finally remarked, his voice low.

"Just reflecting on everything. Life's changed so much," Y/N replied, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Geto nodded, understanding her sentiments all too well. "In times of chaos, it's the little moments like these that keep us grounded."

Y/N looked at him, taking in his sincere expression. "Is that why you're here?"

A slight smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Partly. But also... I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Their hands brushed against each other, and without another word, their fingers intertwined.

Despite the challenges that lay ahead, in that fleeting moment, they found solace in each other's company.

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