6. Fushiguro Toji x reader

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●Under the Moonlight●

The night was calm, and the gentle hum of the cicadas filled the air. You had always enjoyed the quiet nights in Tokyo, and tonight was no different. You sat on the rooftop of a building, legs dangling off the edge, eyes fixed on the moon. It was a serene escape from your otherwise chaotic life.

A voice interrupted your tranquility. "Never took you for the stargazing type," a familiar voice remarked.

You turned, finding Toji Fushiguro leaning against the door that led to the roof, his signature smirk playing on his lips. His dark hair was slightly disheveled, and the moonlight made his features look softer.

"Toji," you said, smiling slightly, "What are you doing here?"

He pushed off the door and walked over, taking a seat next to you. "Could ask you the same thing. Needed a break from the cursed world?"

You chuckled. "Something like that."

There was a moment of silence between the two of you, with only the sounds of the city below. You had known Toji for quite some time, and despite his rugged exterior and questionable past, there was an understanding between the two of you that words couldn't describe.

"I always found the moon intriguing," Toji said, breaking the silence, his gaze on the glowing celestial body. "No matter how dark the world gets, it's always there, shining."

You nodded in agreement. "It's a beacon of hope in a way, isn't it?"

He glanced at you, his brown eyes searching yours. "You sound like you're speaking from experience."

You sighed, "Aren't we all? We're in a world filled with curses, after all."

Toji let out a small laugh. "True. But among those curses, there are moments worth cherishing." He then turned to face you, "Like this one."

You felt your heart skip a beat. There was a depth in his gaze that you hadn't seen before, a vulnerability that he rarely showed.

"Toji, I..."

Before you could finish your sentence, he leaned in, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. It was soft, yet filled with emotions that words could never express.

As he pulled away, he whispered, "Let's cherish this moment, under the moonlight."

You nodded, resting your head on his shoulder, both of you basking in the serenity of the night and the newfound closeness.

Authors Note
I hope you enjoyed it! if you have any specific scenes or scenarios in mind, just let me know!

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