XLiX| What Family is for

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"I know but I have baby fever now—"

Mira Atkinson didn't exactly expect to fill out adoption papers at the age of Twenty-four

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Mira Atkinson didn't exactly expect to fill out adoption papers at the age of Twenty-four. Perhaps it was stupid, she had so much to do with her life still and she had tied herself down with a child. Then again, Mira wasn't the type of person to think that way. It just meant she had a tag-along for all her adventures.

It was also crazy to write Lily Norris and not Lily Atkinson.

Lando Norris was scared. He was terrified that he was too young to be a dad and he had no idea what he was doing; Alongside that, he was going to be a dad to a toddler straight away without going through the baby stage. He didn't want to make Mira feel like she was the only parent.

Lando wasn't scared that Mira would be a bad mum because he knew she wouldn't, he'd seen her when she worked with the charity and fans. He trusted her more than anyone else in the world and she always seemed a little more mature than him.

The most interesting part about all this was just how surprised Lando's parents were. Mira wasn't sure how they would react to it or if they would blame her for ruining Lando's life before he even reached thirty but they were happy if Lando was happy.

"Lily, this is your daddy," Mira whispered.

"Hi," Lando whispered, giving her a wave.

Lily blinked at him and then reached out to touch his very fluffy hair. Lando grinned and tilted forward a little so she wrapped her hand in the curls. Lando had some experience with babysitting since his brother Olivia had a little girl, Mila.

"Mummy," Lily babbled as she clung to 

"That was fast," Lando hummed in amusement.

"She's been calling my mummy since she met me," Mira replied sheepishly.

Lando smiled softly at Mira as she looked down adoringly at the little blond toddler in her arms. In Lando's head, it suited her and she looked like she'd been a mother for years. 

"Are you sure it's not too early to have her meet my family?" Lando questioned with a small head tilt.

"No, she's in a people mood today," Mira assured. "Just no yelling."

The ride to Lando's parent's house was entertaining, to say the least.  Lily adored being in the car, especially with the window down so she could feel the breeze when she placed her hand up. Whenever they stopped in traffic, she'd get upset that she couldn't feel the breeze anymore.

More interesting, Mira and Lando were not driving sports cars and likely wouldn't whenever they had Lily with them. However, Mira was convinced the little girl would adore being in one.

"Hey," Lando greeted as they walked into the Norris household.

"Hey, Lando," Adam Norris smiled, hugging his son. "You are really cheerful today."

Shadow → Lando Norris (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now