XLV| Move to Monaco

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"Move to monaco?"

When Lando Norris proposed a grand but life-changing plan to his girlfriend, he fully expected Mira Atkinson to reject him

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When Lando Norris proposed a grand but life-changing plan to his girlfriend, he fully expected Mira Atkinson to reject him. He expected her to say it was a ridiculous thing to suggest when they'd been together for a year and a half.

He could have fainted when she seriously considered the idea and half agreed to it on the basis she felt her affairs were in order.

After all, moving to Monaco with her boyfriend was a big decision.

Mira was all for it provided that she made sure her charity was under good supervision when she was gone and Quadrant were all set up to do most things alone, which both were. Mira did a lot of the events with Quadrant but she wasn't needed there permanently.

While she didn't always like the idea of change and the unknown, Mira was actually feeling good about moving to Monaco. It was less likely that she would stopped in the streets, she might feel a little safer and maybe even feel like it was the start of her and Lando owning a house instead of moving between two. Though, Mira did plan on keeping her house so it was easier during the pro-championship and visiting home.

"You actually want to?" Lando had echoed a few times.

"I'm serious, Lando, I want to move in with you and if that's in Monaco...I guess I'm moving to Monaco," Mira assured with a smile.

"I love you," said Lando as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I love you too," Mira whispered as they fell back on the bed.

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Mike was destined to not feel the same way about the situation as Mira did. He knew she had something to tell them when she turned up to Luke's apartment with a nervous look on her face and tugging at her jumper.

"What is it?" Mike asked, crossing his arms.

"It's nothing bad!" Mira assured.

"You never do anything bad, little sister," Luke teased from where he sat.

"Hilarious Luke," Mira rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I'm looking at moving permanently to Monaco."

"Monaco?" Luke hummed in curiosity. "My little sister in the land of the rich...okay then. When are you looking to move?"

"Well the plans haven't quite been made but—"

"Move to Monaco?" Mike scoffed,"Mira, you can barely live life on your own and you want to move to Monaco!"

Mira should have seen this coming. Everything she did was always met with backlash from Mike whether it was from a place of concern or a place of control; it didn't matter, he just tried to stop her from doing anything.

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