Xiii| Moving on

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"I need out."

Mira had never been good at making friends

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Mira had never been good at making friends. Half of her didn't even want to and the half that did only wanted to have friends to blend in. Of course, over the years, Mira had learnt that she needed friends to remain social and it also helped make her work life easier.

However, there were people that Mira had met online during her Twitch career that she liked a lot. Many people which she recommended Lando Norris for the quadrant, with Aarav Amin being the creator she knew the most. She had featured in some of his youtube videos which resolved around f1.

While they didn't have plans to launch everything until next year, it was important for Mira to know that she could work things when Lando wasn't there (which was a reasonable amount). She felt a large weight on her shoulder with helping someone she'd only known for a set amount of months.

Then there was Niran Yesufu and Maria Bish (who liked to be called Ria). Mira met Niran during a charity e-sports football event. They had spoken after that on Instagram and some Twitch lives but not enough for Mira to call him a close friend. 

Ria and Mira bonded over the love of cats. Originally, they had been playing Call of duty together while complaining about how toxic the community was for women and Loki had jumped in front of the computer. This started a long conversation about how amazing cats are.

Anyone that liked cats was Mira's friend too.

"I didn't realise you were friends with Lando Norris!" Aarav's eyes widened. "Since when?"

She had started an arranged group call between the four of them. Normally, this would have sent her into a panic attack (it didn't panic her) but since she knew these people and was the one arranging it, it was lessened slightly.

"Last time we spoke, I hadn't met him before," Mira crossed her arms. "Since, we've spent time together, obviously, or we wouldn't be here."

"How is your racing going?" Maria questioned. "Nervous?"

"Not right now," Mira smiled. "First race is in a week, which is crazy."

"I'll route for you," Niran promised. 

"I always watch the live stream," Aarav assured. "Do I get free merch for being your best fan?"

"If you want," Mira laughed. "The McLaren Shadow merch is way cooler than just McLaren. Maybe I'm biased."

Mira began to prepare the materials that she had got ready, many of which had been supplied by Veloce.

"Okay, so here is our idea—"

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Mira had her own ambitions outside of gaming. For one, the money she was getting was higher than ever and she was beginning to question why she was living in a flat in Woking. She liked the tranquil life woking offered, admittedly, but she could have an easier life outside of paying rent and worrying about neighbours...

Or perhaps it was the simple fact that a pair of musicians had moved into the flat about.

"I'm done!" Mira raged as she heard the drums for the fourth time that week,"I can't take this. They are ruining my streams."

"I've complained but they don't care," Esme replied as calmly as possible.

"I'm done," Mira repeated. "I need out."

"We can find another flat but it took forever last time, Mira, with the gaming space you need and the certain texture and sounds— I haven't got a problem with it, truly, but I worry it will stress you out," Esme explained.

"I'm going to just buy a house." Mira replied eventually,"I need a house. I want a garden for Loki, it's not fair on him to be inside all of the time and I don't want to worry about paying rent. I want something that's mine."

 "Oh," Esme was taken aback.

The truth was that Mira knew Esme couldn't afford to buy a house outright. She could just about afford the deposit to put down but even that was a push. Mira knew that she'd feel odd moving it with her.

"I'll buy you a house too—"

"No, no, no," Esme shook her head. "I can't ask that of you. Houses are so much money and I'm not a charity case."

"Esme, I know you aren't charity," Mira smiled. "You're my best friend! But we're both adults now and I am lucky enough to afford what I want. Most people can't.  Please let me do this one thing for you, you've looked after me longer than you should have done."

"Will you be okay living alone?" Esme finally asked quietly.

"I think so," Mira's gaze found her cat, who was trying to catch a fly. "I need to try. I love you, Esme but eventually, you're going to find someone who makes you happy. I hope I do the same and we're not going to want to bring them back to a tiny flat when the other person will be around."

"I know," Esme chucked. "Okay, Mira. But if you're buying me a house, I'm helping you decorate yours!"

"Deal," Mira grinned.

Mira wasn't a huge hugger so Esme offered her friend a fist bump instead, which was gladly accepted.

"Talking of lovers, what about Lando Norris?"




"No, because you don't like him or no because you don't want to talk about it?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Esme's grin grew as Mira's answer told her enough. The brunette knew her friend better than anyone and she knew that 'I don't want to talk about' didn't mean just that. Admittedly, Mira meant what she said but to Esme, she saw more.

"You having problems with feelings?" Esme asked kindly.

"I don't know If I do feel anything," Mira answered. "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to feel."

"Me neither," Esme patted her on the shoulder. "You feel things differently to me so I guess you have to ask yourself what the difference is between what you feel for him vs what you feel towards Luke or me."

"I feel like you're my siblings and friends but I don't feel like that with Lando...I haven't spent enough time with him to figure that out." Mira explained.

"Then spent time with him, you idiot."


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