XXi| Five minutes

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"Oh you're calling me Mimi now?"

Mira could hear the knock at the door

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Mira could hear the knock at the door.

She just didn't want to answer it — no — she couldn't answer it.

She was 2 laps away from finishing her race in P1 and she didn't want to lose her focus. It was a test of her patience and irritation for the event due to happen in a mere amount of hours. It was crucial that she could remain in complete and utter focus.

Mira didn't want to risk losing her spot on McLaren Shadow in future by being out-times by some other gamer. It was important to her to see the wins and lap times.

She thought of it as complete an utter carm, like when you had the power to type on a keyboard with your eyes closed. You knew where the keys were and you just had to stay in focus to avoid even the slightest finger mistake of pressing the wrong letter and messing up your entire sentence. It was like that in Mira's head.

Finally finishing the race, she threw her headphones onto the bed and ran down her stairs. She was ready to open the door in order and tell whoever it was to 'piss off' in lack of better words, likely being a package delivery.

"Mira! I've been knocking for like five minutes!"

Her eyes lit up like a child who had been given a birthday gift a week early. Her eyes sparkled with the glaring sun, which reflected through her black-framed glasses. Her smile beamed at the brunette.


Her arm wrapped around him immediately. It was a little strange for Lando because this wasn't something she had done before he'd left when coming back from races. Then again, that was when she was completely oblivious to her own feelings and he hadn't been sleeping at her house.

"Woah, calm down! I've only been gone two week!" Lando laughed.

"Shut up," Mira mumbled into her shoulder. "Let me be clingey for at least a minute."

"Let me in out of cold and you can be clingy for the rest of the day because it's old out here," Lando bargained with a grin.

Mira nodded, letting him into the house with ease and closing the door. He didn't have any bags with him other than his phone and, she assumed, his car and house keys were in his pocket.

"When did you get back?" Mira questioned lightly.

"About two hours ago. I got back to drop my stuff off at home and see Max," Lando replied. "How've you been?"

"I'm okay," Mira assured. "Better since Esme got back and my brothers visited. I was out with Luke yesterday actually."

"I'm glad! So no more panic attacks while I've been gone?" Lando asked lightly.

"No, nothing more than usual," Mira shook her head before noticing the worried look Lando gave her. "No, honestly, it's fine. I get them every once in a while and that's normal for me."

Shadow → Lando Norris (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now