Chapter Seven: Wash Away

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'Let the rain fall down and wake my dreams.
Let it wash away...'

Well, it would be nice if it could wash away my painful memories.

I stared outside the window of the cafe as the rain poured heavily from the gray skies, waiting for Martin to show up for our coffee date. Or, maybe it was more like a coffee meeting. No matter what Liam thought, I would never go out on a date with Martin. That ship had sailed seven years ago.

The gloomy weather was actually the perfect representation for my mood. There was nothing I'd rather do less than reminisce about the days I knew Martin. Especially since, after the worst night of my life, Martin dated Vivi. I couldn't trust anyone who was willingly intimate with that snake. But, I didn't have a choice. If I wanted to know who my rapist was, I had to speak to Martin.

It's going to be fine, I chanted to myself as I continued my observation of the street and noticed Martin, walking toward the cafe's entrance. I straightened in my seat and gathered some courage, watching him as he made his way inside.

He spotted me right away and approached my little table by the window. "Hi Lottie," he greeted with a big smile. "How's it going? Have you been waiting long?"

"Hello Martin, not at all," I assured him. "But, I already have my drink. Would you like to go up to the register and place your order?"

"Sure, I'll be right back." He turned toward the counter and —with a spring in his step— approached the barista.

I studied him as he placed his order and waited for it.

Martin hadn't changed much in the past seven years. He was still the same cheerful, charming and energetic guy. When I first started attending Columbia, we had a class together and he approached me, kicking off our friendship. For months he had shown an interest in me with his flirting and teasing but —after inviting me to that party—things changed. I had locked myself in my apartment for over two weeks and did not attend any of my classes. I also ignored all of the calls and messages I'd received from my friends. By the time I found the courage and energy to return to class, Martin was already cozied up to Vivi. But, honestly, it didn't even matter since —at the time— the last thing I was interested in was dating someone.

Martin grabbed his coffee and walked back to the table, taking a seat across from me. "I just grabbed a cup of black coffee," he rushed to say. "I didn't want to make you wait any longer."

"I don't mind waiting, Martin. You should order whatever you like," I suggested.

"That's alright, Lottie. I'm okay with this. How have you been? You look great."

"Thanks, you look good too. You haven't changed a bit."

"I don't know if that's a compliment," he chuckled. "I was hoping you'd think I'm much more handsome."

"Still the same Martin," I mumbled, shaking my head.

"Yep, I don't think I could change even if I wanted to."

"So," I said, changing the subject. "How's life been for you?"

"Good, I've been working for an advertising agency and I'm really enjoying it. I was meeting with a PR rep for a celebrity we work with when I bumped into you."

"That's nice, Martin. I'm happy for you."

Martin just stared at me with a small smile, not saying anything.

"What is it?" I asked, anxiously. I wasn't completely comfortable with him, and the silence was making me uneasy.

"Why do I have a feeling this isn't a get to know you date?" He shook his head and grabbed his coffee, taking a sip.

"I'm sorry, Martin. You're right. There is something I'd like to ask you. That's why I wanted to meet with you."

"You don't need to apologize, Lottie. It's my fault for getting my hopes up. I've always wanted to go out with you."

"Yet, you dated Vivi," I replied, sounding slightly accusatory.

"Vivi?" he questioned. "That was something dumb I let her talk me into doing back in college. She convinced me it would make you jealous."

"Make me jealous?"

"Yes," he admitted, blushing slightly. "It didn't go farther than a few kisses with her."

Why would he date someone else while wanting to be with me? Did he really think that would win me over?

"Anyway, that's in the past," I said, waving my hand. "I do have a quick question for you." I paused and took a deep breath. "Do you remember the party you invited me to during my freshman year?" I blurted out.

He took a minute, thinking it over. Then, he nodded. "Yeah, that's the night Vivi approached me with her stupid idea."

"Right. So, at this party, do you remember a guy who had reddish blonde hair attending it?"

"I knew a few gingers from Columbia," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"No, I wouldn't refer to him as a redhead. I would say this guy was more of a blonde with reddish tones."

"I don't know much about hair tones, but it sounds like you're describing Jeff."

"Jeff?" I asked, hoping I was getting closer to discovering the monster who caused me so much pain.

"Yeah, Jeffrey Cox. It's funny you should mention him..."

"Funny?" I questioned, interrupting him. "Why?"

"Well, I've heard through some acquaintances from Columbia that Vivi is shacking up with him."

"Hold on, did you say Vivi is staying with this Jeffrey guy?"

"Yeah," he confirmed, nodding his head.

"And, do you know where he lives?"

"Sorry, Lottie. I only know he's here in the city. I don't have a specific address."

"It's okay, Martin. I really appreciate the information."

"Of course, is that what you wanted to know?"

"Yeah, thank you. You've been really helpful."

"No problem. Why are you asking about Jeff? Are you interested in him?"

"No," I cried out. Then, I grabbed my latte, taking a sip and trying to calm myself. I didn't want Martin getting too suspicious. "I'm not interested in him at all. It's just...Mrs. Richardson asked me to check up on Vivi. She didn't know who she'd been dating."

"Oh," Martin breathed with a slight snicker. "She shouldn't worry about Vivi's love life. Knowing her, she'll move on to the next guy by the end of the month."

"Right," I replied, giggling with false and forced laughter. "Well, it was great seeing you. But, I think we should head out. This downpour is only getting worse. I'd like to get home as soon as I can."

Martin's expression turned serious as he nodded. "Sure, Lottie. It really was great seeing you."

I smiled and stood up, grabbing my umbrella as I walked toward the door. Martin was guiding me with his hand placed on my back as I fidgeted with my umbrella, distracted, when Liam walked into the cafe. Noticing us, he froze mid-step and stared open-mouthed.

Even after I intentionally picked a different coffee shop from the one I bumped into Liam last time, we still ran into each other. It seemed fate loved playing games with me.

Martin noticed the awkwardness and cleared his throat. "Lottie, I hope to see you again soon. Take care." Then, he nodded at Liam and walked out.

I watched Martin walk away. And then, I faced Liam feeling a little abashed. But, I did not understand why I felt that way. I hadn't done anything wrong. As Liam continued to stare at me with his brows furrowed, I finally found the guts to greet him.

"What?" I croaked out.

Okay, maybe that wasn't the best greeting.

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