Chapter Nineteen: Delivered

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"Ma'am, you need to stop resisting arrest," Detective Sanders cautioned.

Detective Sanders was one of the two detectives who showed up with Tom to Liam's apartment. For the past ten minutes, Virginia had been causing quite a stir with her refusal to head to the station with the detectives. And so, they must have called for some backup because we were soon joined by four more NYPD officers.

When Virginia saw the cavalry that had arrived, she became even more hysterical. "I am not going anywhere," she screeched. "Do you have any idea who I am?"

"Yes, you're Virginia Richardson and we're going to need you to come with us," Detective Sanders responded with impatience.

"Absolutely not!" She shook her head as she scurried around Liam's living room, dodging the officers who were trying to stop her. When a female officer was about to close in on her, Virginia grabbed a glass vase from the side table and held it over her head. "Stay back," she shrieked.

"Ma'am, do not threaten an officer," one of the police officers warned her.

"Fuck off! Who do you think you are?" She pulled her arm back and chucked the vase at his head. Thankfully, he had some impressive reflexes and ducked away from the shattering glass.

Virginia was too distracted from the spectacle she had caused, and didn't notice when the female officer dove in for her and tackled her to the ground. "Get off me you pig," she shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Ma'am, if you do not want to be tased, I'd suggest you start cooperating," the female officer gritted out as she held her down.

Virginia began to bang her legs and fists like a toddler throwing a tantrum. So, the remaining three officers surrounded her as she was handcuffed. Then, they dragged her out of the apartment.

"Bye, bye, Virginia." I smiled and waved at her, as she continued to scream at the officers. "I hope you have a nice stay."

"You fucking bitch," she howled. "No one treats me like this."

I ignored her outbursts, enjoying the visual of her in handcuffs being hauled away by police officers, when the two detectives approached me. "We're sorry about that miss. We didn't expect things to get so out of hand," Detective Sanders apologized. "But, if it's any consolation, Virginia Richardson just added resisting arrest and threatening and assaulting a police officer to her long list of crimes."

I bit my lip, trying to stop the laughter bubbling inside me. Why did I find the whole situation so entertaining? "It's alright, detective. Thank you so much for your assistance."

The detectives nodded at me and –after promising to keep in touch– they followed Tom out of the apartment.

When I was finally alone with Liam, he approached me and wrapped me in his arms. "Well, I guess Camilla decided to move things along."

"Oh, you have no idea what I personally delivered to her," I admitted.

He looked down at me, furrowing his brows in confusion. "Tell me," he grunted.

I gave him a wide smile and winked at him.

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