Chapter Eighteen: Took You Long Enough

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Bouncing on my feet, I stared at the floor indicator of the elevator, impatiently waiting to arrive at Liam's penthouse. I'd just left Camilla's office where I dropped off the USB containing incriminating evidence against Virginia. Hopefully, karma was going to catch up with Virginia and Jeffrey very soon. I was too excited to tell Liam the news, and rushed to his apartment after leaving the law office. I tried calling Liam on the phone but, strangely, he wasn't answering me.

When the elevator door finally opened, I hurried toward Liam's door. But, I stopped in my tracks when I noticed his door was slightly ajar. After learning about my tendency to sweep my apartment every time I arrived home, Liam insisted on following my safety practices. He never wavered from his precautions and always locked his door.

Fearing the worst, I approached the door and leaned forward to check if I could hear any sounds. I was shocked when I heard Liam yelling at someone. He had never raised his voice at anyone before —at least not in front of me.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" Liam shouted, causing me to step back with alarm. But, this was Liam and I knew I didn't need to be afraid of him. So, gathering some courage, I cracked the door open a little more and stepped into his apartment. I was immediately greeted by a bunch of suitcases near the entrance. What was going on?

I cautiously made my way toward his living room and witnessed Liam facing off with Virginia. Quietly, so I didn't make them aware of my presence, I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and sent a text message to Camilla.

"I don't know what made you think that you could come here, but I want you out," Liam said to Virginia, his voice harsh with outrage.

"Liam, you have to help me," Virginia pleaded, sounding whiny. "I'm gonna stay with you."

"I don't have to do anything." He turned toward the hallway that led to the door, looking surprised to see me standing there. "Lottie," he breathed.

"Lottie?" Virginia asked, as she turned and faced me too. "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in."

I smiled and waved my fingers at her. "I'm looking directly at it, and I must say it's not a very smart cat. It should have never been digging around in the trash."

"Excuse me," she snapped.

I shrugged my shoulders, not bothered by her outburst at all. "You're excused. Don't let the door hit you on your way out."

"I'm staying here...with Liam," she claimed like the delusional bitch she was.

"No, you're not," Liam interjected.

Virginia faced him and pouted her lower lip. "Liam, surely you won't kick me out...not after all of our history."

Wow! Someone give her an Oscar.

"What history are you referring to exactly? From what I can recall, we have no history." Liam looked on the verge of losing his patience, but there was no need for his frustration. Virginia would soon be going away for a long time.

"How could you say that to me?" she whined. "I told you I need your help."

"Look, Virginia, I'm gonna do you a favor and suggest you leave while you can," I cautioned her, hoping she wouldn't actually take my advice.

"I'm not going anywhere." She turned away from me and made her way toward Liam's couch, sitting down and crossing her arms.

"Don't make me drag you out of here," Liam warned, but I raised my hand to stop him.

"There is no need for that, Liam." I smiled at him as I heard footsteps from the entrance of his apartment. Soon, we were joined by Tom and two NYPD detectives.

"Hi Tom," I greeted. "Took you long enough."

Tom shook his head at me, as he stood back and watched the detectives approach Virginia.

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